OK, I need your help. When I walked into our office today right there in the middle of the floor was one of my favorite pottery pieces from Guatemala broken into 2 pieces. Now there are not a lot of possessions in my house that are off limits because you know, we have 6 kids and all, so our house is pretty kid friendly. But everyone is our household knows that the things I brought home from Guatemala I hold dearly in my heart. Not because they are expensive or worth a lot of money- but you know, just for sentimental reasons. So yep- there it was in the middle of the floor broken in two. Here is where YOU come in. I need your help by voting on who you think 'dun it'. You see, in our house there are a lot of people who apparently go by the same name "wasn't me". So let's get going and cast your vote. Was it...

Culprit #1 "Wasn't me TRAVIS"
known for playing rough with his younger siblings,
loves football and girls.

Culprit #1 "Wasn't me TRAVIS"
known for playing rough with his younger siblings,
loves football and girls.

known for his lack of driving skills
also loves football and is too shy for girls.

Culprit #3 "Wasn't me ADDISYN"
known for her fierce soccer kick but compassionate heart,
loves playing with her younger sisters and knitting.

Culprit #4 "Wasn't me KALLAN"
Known for his sweet disposition and knowing how to use it.
Loves to eat Mexican food and ride the go-cart.
Culprit #5 "Wasn't me MYA"
Known for her adorable dimples, curly hair and spunkiness.
Loves life and making people laugh.

Culprit #6 "Wasn't me ALEIGHA"
Known for her big eyes and sneaky ways,
Loves reading books and getting into things she is not supposed to.
OK- now go to my comments -cast your votes and stayed tuned for 'who dun it'.
I say it is five and six together with the help of culprit #1. Really all he did was get them excited then sat back and watched it all play out.
Or at least that would be what happened here.
Hmm.... I think I will go with Culprit #4...
What about the dog? I'm quite positive that one of her stinky smellies could've blasted it off the shelf - causing it to shatter to pieces.
As the mom of a 4-year old, I have to vote for culprit #6.
hmmm, this is tricky...I have wild boys in my house but I also have a very ornery girl in my house....I'm thinking culprits #5 & #6, aided by culprit #4. Can't wait to hear the mystery's solved! DebbieT (it wasn't your big vase you carried home in your duffel bag, was it??)
Could there possibly be a culprit #7? Where was Todd? HaHa...I can't possibly pick from any of these cute faces!
I think it was anyone but Culprit # 3 b/c Addisyn is totally innocent! ☺
I'll go with Culprit #2. No one else said him. (Sorry Keegan) Maybe he can't steer his legs any better than the car.
Okay...we don't think it was Travis or Keegan rough housing...because they would've love to tell on each other! Addisyn would have tried to fix it and put it back. Kallan would have tried to hide it! Our vote is for Mya and Aleigha...oops we mean "Wasn't Me Mya" and "Wasn't Me Aleigha" aka Culprit #5 and #6. The Bland's Sorry...Titi still loves you though!!!!!
It was definitely Addisyn. She is hoping that you will decide that you can't live without it. She hopes that you will decide to go back to Guatemala and get another one. Wouldn't another mission trip be fun? Addie wants to go too!
Michelle Riggs
I say Culprit #6. =]
I say so b.c of the "And getting into things she is not supposed to."
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