Someone commented to me the other day about how strong my faith was when I was sharing with them about our going into full time missions.
And it took me off guard.
I guess that’s because I don’t always see myself as being that strong in my faith. I guess that is because I know my humanness. I know there are days that those wars inside of me are raging. Days where my flesh is stronger than my faith. Days when I question. Days when I can do nothing but fall to my knees and beg Jesus for His strength.
But it is there, on my knees, that I have grown without my even realizing it.
What the Lord has shown me is that too often we live in a ‘Satisfaction Guaranteed’ kind of world.
We are told that before we take that first step, before we invest-we have to have some sort of guarantee that there is something in it for us.
Before we step out in faith, before we say yes, before we move- we need a guarantee.
A guarantee that it’s safe.
A guarantee that it will be easy.
A guaranteed that it will all work out.
But there really is no such thing.
The only guarantee we will ever have in this world is in Him.
Only, even in that we get confused.
People often believe that if they are good Christians, show up at church, tithe, volunteer and read the bible that there will be some sort of guarantee in this life.
Yet that is not at all the case.
Because you see, regardless of our faith- there will still be sickness, greed, loss, war, injustice, disease, famine and sometimes- bad things just happen to good people.
Sometimes people step out in faith and adopt a child and it is not happily ever after.
Sometimes people get married and that spouse does not remain faithful.
Sometimes we bring a child into this world to only loose them in a tragic accident.
Sometimes a missionary goes out to reach the lost and it cost them their life.
Sometimes our friends doesn’t treat us like a friend at all.
Sometimes people get married and that spouse does not remain faithful.
Sometimes we bring a child into this world to only loose them in a tragic accident.
Sometimes a missionary goes out to reach the lost and it cost them their life.
Sometimes our friends doesn’t treat us like a friend at all.
And we are left with broken hearts, broken dreams, broken bank accounts and we wonder where God was in all of it.
But the truth is- God never once told us our lives would be easy. He never once told us we would always be happy or always feel satisfied.
What He told us was that when we went through the trials in this life He would always be there...
regardless of our circumstances.
Our willingness to act, to serve, to give -has nothing to do with a guarantee and everything to do with our love for him- and not ourselves.
No one can guarantee you if you adopt a child it will be a happily ever after story.
No one can guarantee you if you don’t it will be either.
No one can guarantee you happiness.
No one can guarantee you that tragedy, pain or sickness won’t come if you make all the right choices and do all the right things.
No one can guarantee you that there will even be a tomorrow.
But what I can tell you is that if you choose to live your life trying to stay safe, trying to cling to comfort, ease, and perfection- then you will never have truly lived.
And one thing I can guarantee you is that God didn’t give you this life so you could just exist.
Trust me, you and I are not here for our comfort, happiness and ease.
There is a world full of opportunities out there for you to serve...a world full of hurting people who need to know Him ... a world full of opportunities to make your life count.
One day when we stand in front of the Lord- He will ask us what we did with the life He has given us.
Did we believe He was worth the effort, worth the risk, worth the sacrifice?
Or did WE get in the way of truly living for Him?
So if you are waiting for some sort of 'satisfaction guaranteed' before you take that first step-before you step out onto the water...
Then you are missing the point.
Because one day, when you are sitting at the feet of Jesus, then and only then, will know complete satisfaction.
And that is a guarantee.