It's been a long weekend and I am wiped out- nine kids included! But I wanted to share a few more pictures of our boys from World Help. I told myself going into this that I wouldn't loose my heart~ but I guess that sometimes telling yourself something and actually following through with it are two totally different things. So yep, I lost my heart this weekend to 3 orphan boys with amazing personalities, sweet smiles and voices like angels. As a matter of fact, I am listening to their CD right now. The founder of World Help is a man by the name of Vernon Brewer. He actually attended my church and was a member there. I just love the church we belong to- and I am so thankful that we found it. It's a bigger church than we have gone to in the past- but I love how despite the size it is so obvious that they really care about every single individual. And they don't just care- they really encourage you to seek out the gifts and talents God has given you. But my favorite thing is that they are very involved in missions and that is where my heart is.
The 3 boys we hosted this weekend were just incredible. Their pasts are full of pain- but in their eyes was so much hope. This year World Help is focusing on the children suffering from the impact of HIV/AIDS, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. The purpose of this Children of the World choir is to bring these children into churches and give people a glimpse of the children who are in need to raise awareness. I have found that in the past it has been so easy for me to hear a story about the devastation of HIV/AIDS- yet only minutes later move onto something else I am doing and 'forget'. Having these boys in our home this last weekend definitely made a lasting impression. This weekend we had the chance to treat them to a real family life- take them rollerskating, cook hot dogs over an open fire, read bedtime stories, and tuck them into bed at night. At the end of their 10 month tour they will go back to their lives in Uganda and India and back to the harsh realities of life for them. And they have been some of the 'lucky' ones...
If you are looking for a place to step in and give I encourage you to look up worldhelp.net. info@worldhelp.net. It's a great organization.
Again I must tell you how proud I am of you and your incredible family. The pics are darling. Thank you for being so caring.
What a great blessing this weekend was for you and for these kids!
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