I saw you at the park the other day, remember me?
You know the one- the one you stared at then whispered about to your friend as we made our way to the swings.
The one who's little boy tried to play with your little girl and you called her over, scolded her and sent her in the opposite direction.
Can I just tell you something?
You lost out.
You lost out
big time.Because if you had just looked
long enough to notice more than his skin color maybe you would have seen the gentle spirit that lies within my son.
And what you didn't have
time to really understand was how much this little boy's life means to God and how He held him in the palm of His hand, allowing him to survive his past abuse.
If you would have just taken the
time I know you would have noticed how loved and cherished this child is by so many, and how we prayed for him daily long before we even knew he was to be our son.
time is a funny thing.
And we only have so much of it.
Which got me to thinking..
You and I have no guarantees there will be a tomorrow.
No guarantees there will be enough time...
Because while we don't like to think about it, the truth is, one day yours and my time here on earth will come to an end.
And one day you and I will be held accountable to God- whether we claimed to know him or not.
One day you and I will draw our last breath and stand before God-
minus all of our stuff.Minus our pedicures.
Minus our 4,000 square foot houses.
Minus our diplomas and awards.
Minus our BMW.
Minus our souviners.
Minus our size 2 designer jeans.
Minus our collections.
Minus our country club friends.
Minus our 2 carat diamond ring.
Minus our plans.
Minus our good intentions.
Minus the things we have clung to so dearly that prevented us from truly following Jesus.
All of it-
except for perhaps any grace, compassion, kind heartedness, love, mercy or goodness we might have shared along the way.
And I cannot help but wonder will He be pleased with who we truly are?
Will He be pleased with what is underneath all the stuff?
Will He be pleased in what we did with the
time He gave us?
My challenge is for you to do the same thing... imagine what Jesus might see when he looks at you- minus your degrees, minus your bank account, minus your good intentions, minus your stuff?
So to whom it may concern, I forgive you and I feel sorry for you. You are truly missing out on the good things...
Oh, and that cross I saw dangling around your neck...
dont just wear it...
live it.And then you will know it's worth so much more than
the stuff.