Today was one of those days... we all have them. It was time to leave for Kallan's basketball game so trying to foresee any problems I tell everyone to go potty before we leave. Mya and Aleigha run into the bathroom together (see I was not kidding when I told you they do everything together) and Aleigha apparently got there first. So Mya was trying to patiently wait her turn and while doing so decided to entertain herself by practicing her new favorite trick of spinning around in circles like a ballerina. Now there is a reason why Ballerina's wear slippers... and Mya, well Mya had on Crocs. So she attempt to spin herself in a circle and ends up crashing face first against the bathtub. Poor baby. She is so brave. So we get her fixed up and head out the door to Kal's game that is 40 minutes away. Once there we enter the building I can of course feel everyone is staring at me like I am a big, bad abusive parent. Fun feeling. We head forth to the court where Kallan plays and no one else from his team is there. I ask the guy in charge and he tells me there was a schedule change last Thursday and apparently everyone else on the team got the call but us. Great. Outside again, load kids back into the car and drive another 40 minutes home. I think I am going to change into my pajama's, wrap my kids in a plastic bubble and stay home for the rest of the day.
1 comment:
My poor princess....you still are soooo beautiful! Poor Mommy...I didn't know the part about the game being changed!!!! Bummer!
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