I wanted to put a plug in for this awesome book
"A Passion for the Fatherless" by Pastor Daniel Bennett. I LOVE this book and actually contributed a small piece of our story in it. It is a great read and hits on something that weighs heavy on my heart- the church being the answer to the orphan crisis. I love it when I come across a pastor who gets this. Love it when a pastor recognizes the importance of orphan care and see's adoption as part of the gospel- because when we accept Jesus as our Lord and savior we too are adopted- into His family.
A couple years ago when talking to a pastor about a possible adoption ministry in that church he said to me "that is fine that adoption is
your thing- but it will never be what 'our church' is about."
What breaks my heart about this is that so often we hear sermons on being pro life (and for the record- I am)- yet how can someone be pro life and not 'about adoption'. This is especially bothersome to me because I have to wonder- what is going to happen to those children that we fought to be brought forth into life if we don't support adoption?
I admit, I often worry about the American church. From talking to others and from my own experiences, it seems that some of the American churchs have gotten so far away from the center of the gospel- Jesus- and the very reason He died on the cross. It was to save us and adopt us into His family.
Jesus was all about missions and outreach- and not just to those who looked like Him. Can I be really honest here? Don't you find it interesting that the wait time to adopt a 'white infant' is years, but there is a shortage of parents for black children? I cannot help but to wonder if this has anything to do with why the abortion rate among black woman far exceeds that of other groups?
Can I just remind you of something? Jesus was not only about 'white' Americans. Jesus was about THE WORLD. He cared about every single person- because we were all created in His imagine.
Somehow along the way we have we have twisted it and made it be
about us- our preferences, our comforts, our desires. And in essence we have have turned our back on the hurting world around us.We announce that each of us has our own mission field right where we are (which yes is true) yet I have to question how many of us are actually reaching out and telling others about Jesus every day- especially those that we see as 'different' than us?
While Sunday school programs, worship and fellowship are great and important- I also think we are doing a disservice as we have moved away from being mission focused and when we fail to focus our efforts in reaching the lost in our own community and throughout the world.
And we are doing a disservice when we are so focused on our own kingdom- that we forget about His. Because the truth is, no matter how state of the art your building is, no matter how impressive the programs offered are- if we are missing the point of who Jesus is and what He cares about- then we have wasted our time and resources.
I am not claiming adoption is for everyone-
but caring for orphans is. Jesus goes as far as to say "Whatever you do for the least of these, you do unto me." Matthew 25:40
It's right there in the bible. You can't miss it.
But somehow...
we do.
photo credit
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