Saturday, May 30, 2009

What makes life so sweet...

Tonight was Travis's senior prom... one more of his 'lasts'. Seems to be a lot of those lately, kind of hard for this mommy's heart to take.

That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.
~ Emily Dickinson

Cool place to shop

I've had several people ask me about this shirt...

You can own one too if you go here:

I also bought one of these totally cool necklaces (below) that can also be found at the Project Hopeful store.

Cool stuff- GREAT cause!!

Conversations with a 2 year old

Me- "Kaden, what would you like for lunch today?"
Kaden- "A 'dot dog' please"
Me- "Kaden honey, I know you love hot dogs but you really need to eat something else besides hot dogs all the time."
Kaden- "Um, a 'dot dog' WITH ketchup?"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How will we be remembered?

"We are the first generation that can look extreme and stupid poverty in the eye, look across the water to Africa and elsewhere and say this and mean it: we have the cash, we have the drugs, we have the science- but do we have the will? Do we have the will to make poverty history? Some say we can't afford to. I say we can't afford not to." ~Bono

Because where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The most relaxing of days...

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. ~ Mark Twain


For a little while now I have felt that no matter how hard or how often I am seeking God- I just cannot hear Him. I have spent a lot of time walking, praying, and listening… but for some reason I am just left scratching my head in confusion. I hear nothing. We’ve been knocking on doors- but none have opened. So, we continue to pray, continue to seek, and continue to listen- to silence. It almost becomes deafening… and yet something inside my heart is stirring… I have a sense that He is working in us… that His plans are being made… and they are plans that we could have never imagined. It’s an odd feeling really- and yet strangely I am excited. Being a Christian, serving God, letting Him have my life completely is the greatest joy in this world. Today I found this devotion in my inbox…. So perhaps I finally have heard from Him today. :0)

The Place of Nothingness
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2,
by Os Hillman05-25-2009

"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)

Do you find yourself in a place of nothingness? There is a time and place in our walk with God in which He sets us in a place of isolation and waiting. It is a place in which all past experiences are of no value. It is a time of such stillness that it can disturb the most faithful if we do not understand that He is the one who has brought us to this place for only a season. It is as if God has placed a wall around us. No new opportunities - simply inactivity.

During these times, God is calling us aside to fashion something new in us. It is a place of nothingness designed to call us to deeper roots of prayer and faith. It is not a comfortable place, especially for a task-driven workplace believer. Our nature cries out, "You must do something" while God is saying, "Be still and know that I am God." You know the signs that you have been brought into this place when He has removed many things from your life and you can't seem to change anything. Perhaps you are unemployed. Perhaps you are laid up with an illness.
Many people live a very planned and orchestrated life where they know almost everything that will happen. But for people in whom God is performing a deeper work, He brings them into a time of quietness that seems almost eerie. They cannot see what God is doing. They just know that He is doing a work that cannot be explained to themselves or to others.

Has God brought you to a place of nothingness? Be still and know that He really is God. When this happens, your nothingness will be turned into something you will value for the rest of your life.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Just in case you didn't know...

In case you are one of those stuck back in the 80's... thought I'd take this moment to enlighten (educate) you.
Trust me, the hair has gotta go (you know as in BE DONE WITH IT) and SO DOES THE STIGMA- the stigma, that is, associated with what you 'heard' about HIV in the 80's.

HIV CANNOT, CANNOT, CANNOT be transmitted through casual contact. Got it? You are not in ANY danger of getting it from the guy up the street, the guy on the street, the kid in the church nursery, the guy in your dorm or your friend who just found out. Educate yourself and educate others. It's time.

HIV Transmission: Can HIV be transmitted through casual contact?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Simple joy

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
- Robert Brault

"Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder."
~John McLeod

Friday, May 22, 2009

What will the future hold

A couple weeks ago we had the blessing of driving to The Riggs house, spending time with them and working with Abby's daddy, Brent, to put together a video for our oldest son, Travis, to submit for a 'free ride' scholarship his freshman year to Hardin Simmons University. (See video below). Hardin Simmons had a contest where you could submit a 60 second video on what you would do with a degree from Hardin Simmons University. While we were excited to find out we were one of the finalist- unfortunately, our video did not win. If we had won we would have had the money to begin an adoption from AHOPE orphanage in Ethiopia (a dream we have had for a long time). I'll admit I am disappointed, but I also know that our plans are not always God's plans and so I choose to take this time to continue to PRAISE God for the many, many blessings He has given us. (Like awesome friends who would help us put together a video at the drop of a hat, and an awesome son with an amazing heart).

God knows, He knows the road He wants us to take and He knows how it will all work out. Thank you Lord for allowing us, and equipping us to participate in Your sovereign plans.

"I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart." Psalm 40:8

Thursday, May 21, 2009

REAL American Idol

While I am absolutely thrilled that Kris is the new American Idol (Sorry Adam, the black fingernails and loads of eyes liner just don't line up with what I want my kiddo's to 'idolize')I also wanted to take a moment to focus on the real American Idols and say a huge thank you to all of those who serve our country. As we enjoy the upcoming Memorial Day weekend lets not forget that our freedom came with a price- and it was not cheap. So thank you to all the service men and women, as well as their families, who have given so much. We love you and appreciate you- and in our eyes, you are the REAL American hero's!!! Have a blessed and safe Memorial Day!