A couple weeks ago we had the blessing of driving to The Riggs house,
http://www.riggsfamilyblog.com/ spending time with them and working with Abby's daddy, Brent, to put together a video for our oldest son, Travis, to submit for a 'free ride' scholarship his freshman year to Hardin Simmons University. (See video below). Hardin Simmons had a contest where you could submit a 60 second video on what you would do with a degree from Hardin Simmons University. While we were excited to find out we were one of the finalist- unfortunately, our video did not win. If we had won we would have had the money to begin an adoption from
AHOPE orphanage in Ethiopia (a dream we have had for a long time). I'll admit I am disappointed, but I also know that our plans are not always God's plans and so I choose to take this time to continue to PRAISE God for the many, many blessings He has given us. (Like awesome friends who would help us put together a video at the drop of a hat, and an awesome son with an amazing heart).
God knows, He knows the road He wants us to take and He knows how it will all work out. Thank you Lord for allowing us, and equipping us to participate in Your sovereign plans.
"I desire to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart." Psalm 40:8