I can't remember the exact moment...
but I have heard the stories,
of the day I came into this world.
I can't remember the sounds
but I know without a doubt
there was rejoicing in the hospital room.
I know there were people cheering
as word got out I had entered the world..
I can't remember the day
but I know I was wrapped in a soft blanket,
snuggled in arms of my mother...
and brought HOME.
There I was loved,
and taken care of,
and cherished.
Pictures were taken,
birthdays were celebrated,
memories were made.
And one thing I can remember is..
I felt safe.
I felt loved.
I felt
That is my wish for every child.
But the reality is for many-
their lives look nothing like this.
For many children,
there is no cheering,
no safety
and no hope.
People have asked us why Guatemala?
Why leave the comfort of the good old USA and go to a place that isn't as safe and where life is harder?
And my answer is...
because of children like Lizzy.

Because you see,
while the day Lizzy was born
there may not have been a celebration here on earth-
but in my heart I know
that there was cheering in heaven.
Because a child of God had been born.
A child who is beautiful.
A child who is a gift.
A child who matters- just as much as you and I.
A child who should never feel like they belong in the trash...
where Lizzy was found,
naked and alone.
Every child,
deserves to be celebrated
and to know the One who created them.
If you would like to help be a part of Lizzy's life, ensuring her the opportunity to have all of those things at Eagles Nest Orphanage- please
go here and learn about how to be her monthly sponsor.
There are so many things we can invest our times and money into each day- but I believe the life of a child is one of the best investments that can ever be made.