I mean the kind of blown away where you were physically shaking?
That is me right now… blown away and physically shaken.
Our. God. Is. Unbelievable.
I don’t even know where to start… so I will just go ahead and blurt it out…
WE HAVE THE $20,000 FOR OUR ADOPTION!!! PAID IN FULL- from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
In one week our pickle jar overfloweth.
You know, when people used to say to me “God will provide” I am going to admit to you that while I know God can- and often does that for other people-I didn’t really believe he would do it for us.
But do you want to hear the best part?? It doesn’t even stop there!!! It gets so much better actually, that I have barely had time to even stop and concentrate on the fact that in a year or less I will have one (or perhaps two) beautiful African children in our family.
So what could it possibly be better than that you are thinking??
IT's better because- we are STILL going to be raising $20,000 for an adoption!!
Can you believe how AWESOME God is??
The God of the universe is going to allow us to be a part of something bigger, something grander than we could have ever dreamed. Something that will change lives, give people hope and encourage them to be more- do more- than they ever dreamed possible.
See, here is the thing, when God blesses us it is so that we can bless others.
Get it?
It’s not about ‘us’ it’s about HIM.
We are not the ‘end to the means’. We are only the beginning. We are His hands and feet and when He gives to us- it’s not supposed to be a one time deal, genie in the bottle, my wish was granted, sort of thing. It’s Him blessing someone so that someone else can bless someone and that someone can bless someone else.
It’s what following Christ is all about.
It’s about living for a purpose greater than ‘ourselves- our needs, far greater than something we can accomplish on our own- but knowing that through us, Christ can. It's about seeing someone else in need- and meeting that need, even when it’s hard, even when it hurts, even when it makes us uncomfortable, even when it’s work- because when we follow Jesus our life is no longer our own.
There are 147 million orphans in this world-NONE OF US CAN DO THIS ALONE, but together I truly believe we can start to be the change.
I do not desire to be the kind of person who sits here typing away on my computer preaching how we should all be adopting or supporting adoption, taking care of the least of these- and then say “Yea, goodie for us, WE have the money- thanks God- good luck to the rest of you.” That is NOT what being a Christ follower is all about. WE ARE THE BODY- we are IN THIS TOGETHER. It’s going to take ALL of us working together, being willing to sacrifice, get dirty, sometimes even go without- to make a difference.
So because we truly want to live out our faith and because we truly want to honor our donor- we are starting the “Pass it Forward adoption fund”.
Being around adoptions for the past 7-8 years the one thing I have experienced as well as heard over and over again from fellow adoptive parents is how scary and overwhelming the cost is. Their hearts are burden for these children- and yet we are at loss as to how to come up with the money to adopt. We know God can supply- yet often times it is not as simple as Him dumping it in our lap. (although sometimes he does!)
So, where do we begin? For us, our pickle jar was our start of obedience- yet we knew it would never be enough. We do not live in an area that is hugely supportive of adoptions period. There are other adoptive families- but not many.
Some of us are fortunate enough to attend churches that already support adoption. Others of us are laying that foundation.
So we knew God was going to have to do the rest- And He did.
So just think of how you would feel knowing there is a WHOLE BUNCH OF PEOPLE out there with the same burden, same passion as you and they were willing to work along side you? They were willing to fund raise with you- for you? Can’t you just feel God in that? What if a whole bunch of people decided to start a pickle jar, have a garage sale, or use their talents to raise money for your adoption.
Can’t you just see God in that?
And as one awesome person said in a comment they left on my blog - "if 20,000 people gave just $1.00 that is ANOTHER CHILD WHO GETS A HOME."
For us, I will be honest, while I know it is wrong, I just had such a hard time asking people for money, or even accepting other peoples money. Maybe it was pride and while I know that is a sin and something I need to work on, it is so hard. I have heard others say the same thing. So what I love about the Pass It Forward Adoption Fund is- you wouldn't be raising money for your own adoption-you would raise money for someone else's.
There is so much we have to pray through and work out. So many details left to sort through. It’s going to take work and it’s going to take time but I truly believe that God doesn’t just want His blessing to end with one child and one family.
I think He wants this to grow to help many. So I need your help, I need your willingness, your obedience to be a part of something more than you or I could ever do on our own.
"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

In a world full of lost, hurting people living for themselves I think it’s time those of us who follow Christ come together and ‘be the change we wish to see in this world.’ (Gandhi) In a world full of people who are trying to do it all in their own strength, constantly trying to prove they are don’t need anyone else, I think it’s time we start admitting we need Christ’s love- we need each other.
It’s going to take US working together to help THEM.
So now I feel free- free to ask- will you help us?
Will you give? Will you be a part of something bigger?
One child, one family, at a time?
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35
If you have any questions or any idea’s I am more than open. Remember we are in this together. We are praying, seeking God’s will and wanting to do whatever it takes to get these kids home. If you want to give your idea’s- or your pickle jar- feel free to email me at blockamy @ hotmail. com (no spaces).
To our donor...
There will never be words that are worthy enough to tell you how much it means to us what you have done. But I want to thank you for being a living example of Christ. What you did, what you gave, literally saved a life and I am praying it continues on and on and on...
I may be the one who in the future gets to land on US soil with these precious African babies in my arm- but you will always be the one responsible for making that happen. It is my greatest dream, now, to learn from your example and to 'do unto others have as you would have others do unto you'. It is my greatest dream to honor your example and bring hundreds of children into loving Christian homes where they too can learn about Christ’s love. You are leaving behind a legacy- the greatest legacy of all- of a person who gave their all and gave Christ all of the glory. You may never get to see just how far or wide this goes… but I know that one day when you stand in front of our maker He will open His arms and say" WELL DONE, good and faithful servant". I love you and while I know it will never, ever be enough- thank you. Thank you for living for something bigger than yourself.
Giving sets us free, while hoarding entraps us (James 5:2).
Giving changes the lives of others (John 3:16).
Giving brings blessing back to us (Luke 6:38).
Giving allows us to store up treasures in Heaven rather than here on the earth (Matthew 19:21).

I love the new pictures and may I be the first to say your blog today is wonderful. I pray many will open their hearts and help you raise money for another family to be so blessed. And to the donor may I add our thanks. We will now have one or two more beautiful grandchildren to add to our melting pot family
Mom and Dad
Very interested, please keep us up to date on this idea. We are trying to raise money for our son who is in Ethiopia, and yet we also want to help others, and are never sure how to...
Thank you for this great post. I can't wait to see what the LORD does!
What a beautiful testimony! I'm with you, in my head, I know God can provide all we need, but so often I don't really believe He will. Praise the Lord for His blessings, and I pray that you will have you new children in your arms soon!
Love the new layout, btw. ;)
PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW! What an amazing blessing. I am so happy for you and your family.
We just started our journey and announced it publically on Saturday. The response from prayer warriors has been amazing.
Blessings to you,
GREAT IDEA. I am commonly stating that same thing about if 20,000 people gave just $1.00...Another child would have that CHANCE of family and daily hugs and kisses.
We would love to send some money towards bring home 1 more child to their family.
You can count me in!
You know where my heart is!
Ok, don't forget about I Support Adoptions that is also set up to help families in this position and I know Gwen - Oatsville team is starting something just like this.
We can ALL come together for the same purpose!
One thing that my husband keeps bringing up - in every verse that says care for the orphan - it also says the widow. We MUST not forget about them - they are way too forgotten already!
Love and blessings my sweet friend!
Praising God for the bounty of provision He continues to bless us with!
Count me in!
Amy, I am so happy for you. Honestly, I'm just in awe right now. As my grandad always told me, "Great things happen when you let go and let God."
Great testimony - and I can't wait to see how the Pay It Forward Adoption Fund plays out. I really think this is the start of something amazing.
Leslie :-)
Oh Praise God! What an amazing beautiful gift!!! ;o) So excited, and would love to be part of your plan.
Can't wait to hear more!
Blessed Be His Name!!! I knew He'd provide for you guys, because HE DOES NOT WANT THESE CHILDREN TO REMAIN FATHERLESS!
We were just like you, too, when you said this: You know, when people used to say to me “God will provide” I am going to admit to you that while I know God can- and often does that for other people-I didn’t really believe he would do it for us.
And yes, I know the knees-shaking blown-away feeling, as we saw every penny of our $40k come in! Although it didn't happen all at once like this.
...All evidence that He cares DEEPLY for the fatherless, and He paves the way for them to come home, when we can't see a way! This $ isn't about our faithfulness, it's about God's mercy on our families, yes, but ultimately He's doing this for THIS CHILD and for His glory!
Although we'll have to start raising $ for another adoption, we still do what we can for others. Even before we had all our money, we still gave what we could to others. I use this as a way to raise $ for others' adoptions and other orphan projects: www.sugarplumorphans.com. Some might think it's dumb to give away $ while we need so much ourselves, but I know SOMEONE who is pleased when that happens :)
Excited to see where He leads you in this venture! Awesome!
I am in AWE of God's provision and someone's willingness to invest a big hunk of change in ETERNITY!!
Yippee Jesus!!!!
I am going to email you with some questions about this pass it on fund!
Oh to grasp the Father's heart for His children!!
I have the BIGGEST lump in my throat right now!!! God stories do that to me every time...thanks for sharing. These are the stories that feed our souls and encourage us to live out loud in anticipation of what He can do & not be limited by our human minds!
Love your heart & enthusiasm, Amy!
Simply Amazing.
God's miraculous provision for your adoption has confirmed for me again that God will provide the "how" for our next adoption. We certainly do not have the means to adopt again after adopting our son from Russia last year but we do feel the call and God keeps prompting my heart saying that He is not finished with our family. Thank you for sharing your story and giving me hope that God will provide for us as He did with our son's adoption...He is a faithful God who is crazy in love with His children.
"If you have faith small as a mustard seed, you can say to this tree, be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it will obey."
Thank you for inspiring us with your mustard seed.
Many Blessings!
Amy in Atlanta
Tears flowing... I have no words. Praise Him indeed!
And what a wonderful idea to pass it on. Cannot wait to see how this unfolds!
Many prayers!!! (and praises!)
What a wonderful idea! I've often wondered why there weren't groups of people helping one another like this (similar to the Chinese-immigrants "Association" method of new business funding).
I haven't been following your blog but was just introduced to it today. I look forward to learning more about your program, and you could definetly count on me to support a fund like this.
I am so unbelievably excited for you!! What amazing news!!
Your "pass it forward" adoption fund idea is a FANTASTIC idea!! You continually inspire me!
Love, love, love the idea. We too have a hard time asking for money. Adoption just seems to be something our family does in our church, and it hasn't really caught fire - yet, but we hope it does!!!! How amazing that God not only provided money, but that you have such an amazing idea!!!!
I am in tears Amy. Now that is a true Christ Follower. Someone who wants to remain anonymous. I am shaking and so overwhelmingly thrilled for you. I haven't even read all of your post. Need to read the rest laster when the kids are in bed.
I love this idea. It's funny, I remember saying to my husband the other day that when we are finished fundraising for our adoption, I like doing it so much I might have to start up a 501c3 (although I wouldn't know where to start) so we can help others who are going through the same thing. You rock! I got choked up reading your post because like you I think it happens to other people. God is awesome isn't he? You can count me in, we don't have much to give obviously since we're in the same boat as many others but we'd like to do what we can to help!
I am amazed, that is so awesome!
Celebrating with you in the Northwest! Wooo Hooooo!
I love how God is at work redeeming the pain you experienced in your obedience to Him.....
Can't wait to watch it all unfold!
Hugs to you friend!
Lisa H.
In Mark 8:34, Jesus said that those of us who want to follow him will have to carry a cross in life. He said our cross is to live unselfish lives; that we are to forget about ourselves. We must live for God and for others; lay our lives down and do what is for the good of others and the Kingdom of God - to reach out to others and take care of one another. Joyce Meyer once said that "each act of obedience to God's will is a seed we sow that reaps an abundant harvest of peace, joy and blessing in our own lives."
God bless the unselfish one trying to re-arrange an already tight budget to make room for one or two (or three!) more. And God bless the one who heard the voice of the Almighty and did not shutter...... even when HE said yep, $20,000 - all you.
This testimony is such an awesome example of how God intends for us to live, and I am blessed beyond measure to be able to sow a seed into the lives of the families that this ministry will touch.
I have a feeling checking the mail is going to be really, really exciting for you!!! Hahha!! Keep the updates coming!
In Mark 8:34, Jesus said that those of us who want to follow him will have to carry a cross in life. He said our cross is to live unselfish lives; that we are to forget about ourselves. We must live for God and for others; lay our lives down and do what is for the good of others and the Kingdom of God - to reach out to others and take care of one another. Joyce Meyer once said that "each act of obedience to God's will is a seed we sow that reaps an abundant harvest of peace, joy and blessing in our own lives."
God bless the unselfish one trying to re-arrange an already tight budget to make room for one or two (or three!) more. And God bless the one who heard the voice of the Almighty and did not shutter...... even when HE said yep, $20,000 - all you.
This testimony is such an awesome example of how God intends for us to live, and I am blessed beyond measure to be able to sow a seed into the lives of the families that this ministry will touch.
I have a feeling checking the mail is going to be really, really exciting for you!!! Hahha!! Keep the updates coming!
Sweet ol' Ginspaghetti sent me the link to your first post about the pickle jar a couple of days ago.
She has been an amazing support person in our journey to adoption emotionally. Since she sent the link, I've read over your post three times now.
For me, I questioned a lot of things along the way and at times, I don't live by faith that it will happen. Your post brought a lot of different emotions and feelings.
Thank you for the post and I thank Gin for pointing it out to me.
Now to read your update. Amazing is the only world I can come up with. Just Amazing!
Praise the Lord.What a blessing and miracle, so happy for your family.We too have a little girl from Guatemala,along with 5 bio sons,and I feel the Lord prompting my heart to adopt again.Enjoyed the pickle jar idea,I've been filling coffee cans.Your testimony is evidence of the Lord's promises and unfailing love.What a remarkably giving Christian your donor is.It would be an honor to help your cause.
Sophie Neri
Hi! I just found your blog through a link on another one. :) My word. What an amazing miracle. God did a miracle in our first adoption from India....it wasn't so fast, but it was still a miracle for us! We are now in the process to foster to adopt. I will be bookmarking your page to hear more! I love the Pay it Forward idea. I will be linking you on my blog to get the word out!
God's blessings to your family & to the one(s) you will join you soon!
Momma to Micah (3) from India.
How beautiful it is to see God bless your family in this way. Your donor certainly is a man or woman after the Lord's own heart! We are ready to start the process other than for the lack of funds. Check out our blog if you are intereted in keeping up with what we are trying to do.
We'd love to have you and/or your readers follow along. Like you, we know that the Lord does and can provide, but we are so nervous about finding the funds to bring our children home. We see the children we are feeling called to on a Waiting Child list (but of course are open to others as the Lord sees fit), but we just can't move forward until the funds start coming. I am praying that God helps us find a way to shepherd these little precious ones home to us.
May the blessings continue to flow your way!
Thanks for being to first to leave a comment on our new blog Amy. Please let me know if I can help you in your fundraising efforts no matter who you ultimately decide on helping.
I can totally hear what you are saying about church families. We have not yet found our permanent church yet since moving here when my husband got transferred to this base, but in the past we have never been in a church that had an adoption ministry. When I tried to start one in our last church and was met with hostility, we knew that church was not the right one for us! We were moving bases anyway, but it was still rough to be faced with.
Overjoyed at your news!!!! Crying tears of joy right now.
Amy I just found your website on a blog hop the Briggs family set up and I want to say that you have blessed my day beyond blessed, your faith and beautiful heart just oozes Gods example of love and compassion.
I have a friend Tami who is trying very, very hard to bring home her 2nd son from Asia, he has a disability, I know she would love to support your concept and would love to hear from you when you have the time here is her future son's website http://jeremiahspromisejohn1418.blogspot.com/
GOD bless you and your beautiful family
Hugs Nicki another Adoptive mumma, living in Beautiful Australia.
So awesome! Yeah God! Can't wait to meet your sweet african baby(ies) someday! What an awesome God we serve!
By the way, I love your family picture. You all look great! Miss you guys!
Amy, what an amazing gift!! I love your Pay It Forward idea! God is using your blog to touch people in amazing ways. Hugs to you my friend! DebbieT
I just heard of your awesome news today from Carolyn. I can not tell you just how excited I am for you!!!! Wow, just see how God moves when we follow in obedience! Praying that the blessing can return 100 fold to your unnamed donor. What an amazing thing they will get to be a part of, one more life changed forever! Can't wait to see who God has planned for your family next. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your story. Love you guys!
Oh Amy! I am soooo overflowing with joy about this wonderful miracle. This is the kind of stories the news reporters need to be sharing. What a blessing for this financial donor, your family and your future children! If we can only get through our heads that money is NOT an issue with God. The economy has nothing to do with His Will. It's about our motives. Who are we willing to serve this day!! My pastor's wife always says, "It's not about our ABILITIES; it's about our AVAILABILITY". Glory to God for this answered prayer.
Amy, as I read through your beautiful (as always) post, I said a prayer for God to guide me to say the right things.
First, what an amazing gift!!! Words really can't describe how wonderful this news is for you, except; hope. This news gives hope to myself and my family.
The glimpse you allow us into your life has changed my heart, I want to be a better christian, a better mother, wife and person. Reading your blog has brought a new sense for myself. I know I can be the change with you and I know God will guide me in the path he's made for me.
My husband and I have adopted two children and have two bio. We wish to adopt again, but haven't found the resources we need. I have given up hope of bringing another child into our home. After reading your post, my hope is back x10! I know it can be done, somehow as long as we completely let God be in control.
Thank you for allowing me to be a bigger part of Gods plan. Thank you for allowing us to follow your family and your faith!
I cannot wait to help in your pay it forward adoption fund. What an amazing blessing for your family and your future African baby.
Amy, I've followed your blog for many months now. I was directed here by a friend of a friend. My husband and I have been praying about adoption and are certain God is leading us in that direction. Words can never tell you how your faith is such an inspiration to me. I have held back on doing the paperwork because I've been so worried about how the money will be provided. Reading this blog is full proof that GOD IS THE PROVIDER! I haven't been giving HIM a chance to provide for us! Thank you so much for your faith and your willing heart to share the good and the bad with the world. God Bless.
PRAISING Jesus with you!!!
Two years ago, an anonymous donor gave our church $15,000 to go towards our adoption fund. Yes, God is AMAZING!
We just heard a speaker at Family Camp this week that told us that we should never say, "I can't afford _____." but rather to ask, "Is this God's will?" Because, if it IS God's will ... than HE can always afford it. Isn't that cool!
HUGE Hugs !!!
PS: LOVE the family pic under the kids pics in the right side bar. :)
Heard a great idea once, but didn't know how to go about funding it.
You could take the money you are now raising and offer interest free loans to families, that would be paid back when the family receives their federal adoption tax credit. This would create a revolving account that could help many families fulfill their dreams of adoption.
Also, have seen many times in ministry that it is very good to have people work for some of the cost of anything (rather than giving full scholarships). So, you could give 1/2 "scholarship" loans and your money would then help even more families.
If this grows into some type of non-profit organization, I'd love to be involved. I think the Lord has given you great vision here.
Just a thought ...
:) :) :)
that is awesome! so excited for you guys that the money has come in. it's a Great idea to have a pickle jar and support others. We really haven't done fundraising..we've done as you said, scrimping, trying to pick up extra work, and going into debt. :) now with our adoption agency's bankruptcy we are trying to see it restructured under different management, but it sounds like the whole 20K we have put in so far is gone and has to be 'refound'. it is daunting but GOD has led us to this path, and how can we not believe He will provide? just praying.
love darci
I am completely and utterly knocked off my feet! What an amazing story of faith and obedience! Thank you to the donor for an amazing gift! Because of that person, and your family, many will be blessed as their families grow and children find forever families! Amy, you are truly an inspiration! My heart is being moved every time I come here! We have been praying about Ethiopia for a while, and you are motivating us to begin the process soon!
Amazing!!! God is so amazing and it is so wonderful that you can now pay it forward. We felt the same way about asking for money or help from others as you mentioned and wished there was something more out there, so we are also trying to start something to pay it forward; blessings forward!
God is so good! You have truly been blessed! We are so excited for you! I would love to be a part of the pass it forward adoption plan! I will be watching your blog to see how I can help! Love you all so much!
I've been following your blog for some time now. It's inspirational!
This is awesome news!
AMAZING! I love it when God blows us out of the water. What a wonderful blessing you will be to someone else. Praise God!
Amazing Story!! So encouraging! And I'm so thrilled to have found your blog. Would love for you to come visit ours sometime. :) http://ethiopiascalling.blogspot.com
I am in tears. What an amazing thing to happen to an obviously AMAZING family. God bless you guys!! :-)
Amy, Hi! This is my first time commenting... just been lurking before! Awesome blog! And we are right there with you... we are currently in the process of our 5th adoption. When we started this adoption we had been home a couple of months from our 4th adoption. GOD has our timeline... not us. He provided an amazing opportunity to adopt our sponsor child and even though we had 0 funds... we stepped out in faith as we had done 4 times before. We currently need $12,000 to complete our new daughter's adoption. I don't know where it will come from but I KNOW IN MY HEART AND SOUL that GOD WILL SHOW UP BIG. Cause He has before and HE WILL again. It is stressful not to have all the details... but that is our faith in our Lord. Please visit our blog when you get a chance: www.bakerssweets.blogspot.com
In Him,
I am so glad that God showed you the path you are to take for your next adoption! I knew when I met you at our K'stone training that He had His hands on your family for a beautiful purpose!!
We are doing respite and foster care again for another agency and are learning, stretching and growing. :-) We have been blessed to have some really great kids in our home lately..if only for a short season. We know that God will move those He wants here forever in His time.
I will continue to lift your family up and will believe wonderful and marvelous things for it's new members!
Bless you!
WOW! AWESOME!! This is straight from my heart.. exactly what WE feel and know God is calling us to... help others adopt as well.. Bless you for your obedience!!! God will provide when you are obedient to him!!! Amen sista'
stumbled onto your blog (yeah right!) today and had chills and tears reading it...
God is so good!! Thanks for encouraging me today!!! Prayers and Blessings...
Lanetta Gobble
I found your blog on the YWAM site. I have started a website to help orphans in Ethiopia and China. Visit our web site at http://operationgiggle.blogspot.com to learn more! I want to adopt from Ethiopia in God's time. So glad God poured this blessing on you!
Amy, you won't believe this, but our family never even read about how the Pass it Forward adoption fund started!!! This is AMAZING!!! I had no idea! I am so honored God called us to help you with this. I am so grateful for our daughter, Mattie, who has taken this on as her God-given Christmas mission. I am so grateful for the donor who funded your Ethiopian adoption; I didn't even realize you were in that process b/c I just learned about your blog a few weeks ago! God is so good. Praise Him, praise Him!!! ~Lorraine
My heart was touched by your blog. First time to visit, and I donated what I could even though small I hope it brings a lot of love to a very special family. I have 2 babies on earth, and four in heaven. I hope to adopt someday in the future myself. Until then God bless your beautiful family.
I came across your blog and love it! and I love the Pass it forward and cant wait to read more and do more.... We are in the adoption process as well, with IAG and the Ethiopian Process. Thanks for allowing us to follow your journey.
I have a favor to ask of you if you are in the Dallas area or know anyone that is. We are doing a raffle for an amazing cake vendor to raise money for this adoption. www.sugarbeesweets.com can you pass on the following link to help spread the word? We are not in the area, we are from south of Houston but are living in France serving the Lord. If you do not then no worries!!
Cant wait to see How God uses you!!!
I just stumbled on your blog and have been reading and reading and reading, and my cheeks are soaked with tears, my throat raw with emotion. My husband and I are in the process of our first adoption - a child from Ethiopia. This has been a very discouraging week for us. We have been told to "settle down on this adoption thing" by people very close to us. I am not one to stir up controversy, but this week have done so as I have boldly written what I feel is God's Truth on my blog. The enemy is at work, but I have been so encouraged by your story. There is hope! Thank you, thank you, thank you! If you get a chance to stop by, I would love it, but I can see your hands and heart are overflowing right now! {wink}
WOW!!! What an incredibly AMAZING GOD story! I am in awe! You heart is so transparent as you share your desire to continue to pass it forward! BLESS YOU for not letting God's gifts end with your family! My husband and I are excited to be adopting from Ethiopia, and stories such as this reminds me to cling to our Heavenly Father. Every. Step. Of. The. Way.
Blessings to you and yours. I will keep you in my prayers! So excited to follow your journey to your next children, as well as see the mountains God moves with your new project! GO GOD!!! :o)
wow. no words can express how amazed i am at the moment.
this was exactly what i needed to hear tonight. it's been a down day, and the thoughts "you'll never raise this money, etc." keep crossing my mind today. but THIS. this is amazing. and once again shows me what an amazing God we serve.
i'm blown away.
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