Meet our new boys... for 2 days anyway. (I'd love to keep them forever if it was that easy!) On Sunday one of the Children of the World choirs is singing at our church and we got the privilege of hosting 3 precious boys for 2 days. They are so sweet and so much fun! 2 of them are from India and one is from Uganda. They all speak amazing English and have the best manners ever. I'm so proud of my 3 boys for giving up their beds for 2 nights so we could all enjoy having these boys at our house. What a blessing!
Oh my word....they are too cute. You can just see the energy on their faces! Have a blast!!!! Titi Jenny
what nice sounding boys. that shows you are a good Mom that your kids share well :)
We hosted 3 girls from that choir about 3 years ago. It was so much fun! Have a great time. Enjoy their performance - they are amazing.
Debbie M
It looks like you had so much fun with those boys and I'm sure they had a blast too! World Help sounds like a great organization...I'm gonna check out their website. Thanks for sharing the boys with us! DebbieT
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