I have a confession to make.
I hate not being perfect.
I know hate is a strong word- but it’s the one that fits.
Now that it’s out in the open- let me explain.
And I make them often.
I am not a perfect mother.
I am not a perfect wife.
I am not a perfect friend.
I am not a perfect blogger.
And I hate that.
I hate hurting the people I love.
I hate disappointing people.
I want to be perfect and never say something I shouldn't.
I don't ever want to have a short temper.
I want to be able to do it all, accomplish it all- perfectly.
I want to make everyone happy- all the time.
I want to bring smiles to peoples faces, make their lives better- and be there for them at any given moment.
I don’t want to say things without thinking and hurt feelings.
I don’t ever want to make someone feel unwanted, unworthy or unloved .
I want to have the answers to every problem.
I want to be able to give to every cause that I believe in.
I want there to be enough in the Pass it Forward Adoption Fund to give to every adoptive family.
I hate that sometimes, truth be told, my heart is ugly.
I don’t like that sometimes I move forward without really thinking things through, without considering the consequences.
I don’t like that sometimes I don’t give the same grace to others as I want them to give to me.
I don’t like that often times I do not forgive quickly, yet want others to quickly forgive me.
But I am learning… learning to accept that I cannot be perfect no matter how hard I try. And learning to forgive myself when I am not. Learning that I can’t win ‘em all- and that I won’t always succeed. Learning that I can’t please everyone all the time, and realizing it is not my job to do so. Bottom line, failure is a part of life. Humans fail.
Which is why I am so thankful that I serve a perfect God.
Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:1-2
Amy - AMEN!
Another awesome post and so full of the very truths I live each day!
Hugs sweet friend!
I love you,
I can tell, we would be good friends - love it and can relate all too well! ;)
You speak truth straight to my heart as a recovering control freak who wanted to be perfect for way too long.
Love & Blessings,
Oh, Amy, this was just what I needed to start my day today!! You know I had "one of those days" yesterday, & I TOTALLY want to beat myself up for not being the perfect, patient, trusting daughter of Christ. But, you have reminded me that today is a new day! Love you ~ Dardi
An amazing post - true and raw. Hugs!
Amen and Amen! I thought you were reading my mind. Thank you for this post. I have a lot to think about.
Interesting that you post this today! Here is my devotion from this morning....fits "perfectly"!
"It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you" (Proverbs 29:25 GN).
Even God can't please everybody. One person prays for it to rain; another prays for it to be sunny. In the Super Bowl, both teams are praying that they will win. Who is God going to answer? God can't please everybody. Only a fool would try to do what even God can't do. You can't please everybody.
Thankful for you and your honesty...I battle this constantly myself! Have a good day...Love you!
Interesting that you post this today! Here is my devotion from this morning....fits "perfectly"!
"It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you" (Proverbs 29:25 GN).
Even God can't please everybody. One person prays for it to rain; another prays for it to be sunny. In the Super Bowl, both teams are praying that they will win. Who is God going to answer? God can't please everybody. Only a fool would try to do what even God can't do. You can't please everybody.
Thankful for you and your honesty...I battle this constantly myself! Have a good day...Love you!
Awesome post--and I am learning the same lessons. :) 10 kids will cure you of a lot of perfecionistic tendencies. :)))
Can I borrow that eraser too?
Praise God for GRACE that goes before and heals afterwards too!
Oh wow---that is wonderful! I am so thankful that He is perfect--even when I feel so imperfect in all things.
What I'm wondering is--how in the world do people get by without God??? I have no idea.
Amen, sister! You know my heart! :)
You inherited this from me I'm afraid. I have to try all the time to not judge, not to worry about what others think, and to forgive myself when I do. I love this one today.
Love ya,
Thank you for sharing your heart...I have beat myself up many times for for my perfect imperfections!
Your mom's note above is just precious by the way!
Thank you for write something that help me clear my thoughts :)
God bless!
Ig you were perfect, I wouldn't WANT to be your friend :0)
Love you (all of you)
I meant to comment last week and thank you for this wonderful post Amy !! I have been praying for you and your family. Are you feeling any better than you were Friday??
Thanks for being so truthful. That is what makes you so real my friend.
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