Can you do me a favor??
Look over there on the right side of my blog page...
See the Chip in button?
Okay, now take your fingers and flick it really hard...

Got it?
For some reason the numbers must be stuck- because on my side of the computer it shows the numbers haven't gone up in over a week.
So frustrating.
Hello. There are children waiting!!!
Somebody's feeling feisty today! :o) Hope that means you are feeling better! Way to keep lighting those fires under people for the sake of little ones!
I flicked it hard! My boss probably won't be too happy about the mark I left on the monitor. *sigh* Oh well, it's for a good cause! :) I can't do this from work; I'll have to do it from home. I don't like to do personal financial transactions from the work computer. I need a reminder!
Ha! Too funny! My technology must be broken too! My button's been stuck for about a month! Mind coming and doing a guest spot to get mine working again? :o)
Me too! I have a chip in for our adoption and it is stuck also! I will pray that yours get unstuck!
:) Hello there ARE children waiting!
Love you Amy!
You crack me up! :) Hey...our family at rice and beans last night with mixed reviews. :) We are going to try to do it once a week for awhile and donate the costs of our dinners to a an orphan cause of their choice. I put pics of their faces on the blog (when they saw what was for dinner).
Well, it must be really broken because I can't even find it.
Don't mess with a woman who's been eating beans and rice for 17 days!!!
I'm overjoyed to see all the comments on your blog of people who are also raising money for their adoptions. Praise be to God. I know He wants to bring His children home and I know He will provide for all of us! We just have to be faithful!!!
Love to the Blocks!
Hi Amy, Your comment on my blog was very sweet thank you. Your post really made me laugh and I needed that at the time. So thank you.
:) :) :)
Ha! Love it.
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