Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Gotcha Day Mya Sofia

Today at our house we are celebrating 3 years with this beautiful little girl...
Typically our celebration would include an over abundance of all of our favorite Guatemalan dishes. Tonight though we will enjoy rice and beans (and Mya's special celebration cake) we will reflect on our time spent in Guatemala 3 years ago.
We will also be in prayer for all of the children who are still waiting in Guatemala-and their families who are longing to celebrate their first Gotcha Day.
Lord, wrap your loving arms around these precious people.
Mya, I still remember it like it was yesterday... seeing you walk down the orphanage hall dressed in your princess nightgown. I remember seeing the hope in your eyes, I remember hugging you for the first time as your tiny body sunk into mine. You are my hero precious one. A survivor. And I promise that for the rest of my life you will know nothing but love. Thank you for the past 3 years- thank you for all that you have taught me about life, trust, and simple happiness. I love you- you are one of my greatest gift from God.
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Bethany said...

Awww! Happy Gotcha Day, Mya!! I love the way your family celebrates :)

Dardi said...

Yay, Mya!!! What a privilege it is to be a part of the lives of these sweet angels & to witness what God will call them to!

Have a happy, happy day!!! :o)

Mandi said...

Congratulations on such a wonderful celebration. Mya is absolutely beautiful. I love how your family celebrates special days and how you continue to inspire me to become a better person.

Love and hugs,

Kim said...

Precious words for your precious baby girl!

Unknown said...

Beautiful words and such a blessing for you all!

Hugs to you all today!


Gardenia said...

congratulations on your 3rd gotcha day!! three cheers for family!

Gardenia said...

congratulations on your 3rd gotcha day!! three cheers for family!

Holly said...

Whew. That got me right in the heart Amy. Still crying. What a merciful God to allow you the privilege of being this little girl's Mommy!

Karin said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mya! What a cool cake! I share your desire that the sweet children in Guatemala will be able to know the love of a family. Praying for adoptions to re-open there again.

Barry and Amy said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mya!

natali said...

aww! so sweet! happy gotcha day, mya!!

Anonymous said...

I love that Guatemalan Princess!

Adeye said...

Congrats on your precious daughters gotcha day! She is absolutely precious--and so blessed God chose YOU to be her mommy :)

Love and hugs

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Made me cry....I remember when each of our children came to us through totally different circumstances....we love our Adoption Days!!!! Big Cakes & fun memories. Happy Gotcha Day Mya!!!!!!

Debbie T said...

Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Mya! Such a precious little girl! Enjoy your day! Love ya!

Created For His Glory said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

Phyllis said...

Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Mya!!

Michelle Riggs said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Mya. We love you!

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

Yea Happy day and I'm so glad that there was also a cake! and not a rice and beans cake.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy we've had you in our family for 3 years. We just wish we could see all of you more often but we will be there soon, October 16th. You are our sweet little grand daughter and we love you.

Gram Marcia and Gramps Dick