Sometimes we touch someone's life, but never realize what a difference we truly made.
Sometimes we do something for someone, but never get to see the end result.
I wanted you to know what a difference you made.
I wanted you to truly see.
I wanted you to truly see.
I wanted you to know we have not forgotten...
and not a day goes by
and not a day goes by
that we don't remember
because of you~
because of you~
this little life is what it is today...
and we are so very, very thankful.

Havyn today...

WOW! If they don't say a 1000 words about His heart to ransom us I don't know what does!
Love you!
WHOA! Picture can say A LOT with very few words. Praise God!
Love you much,
Oh Amy! That is just amazing! It doesn't even look like the same child! What a testament!
Oh my goodness, Amy...I just don't even know what to say. That is just unbelievable. It breaks my heart to see her in the first picture, and then just brings a HUGE smile to my face to see her now. It is amazing to see the difference! Praise God that He led you to sweet, precious, beautiful Havyn!
AMAZING! God is so faithful...
Speechless & awestruck.
What a dear baby and a dear sweet loving family she is a part of!
Praising God with you for such a precious little princess.
We had a major adoption donor, as well, and are continually in awe of all that the Lord has done through the generosity of a stranger.
Laurel :)
wow, that is amazing. it brought tears to my eyes. i've never left a comment, but I follow your blog and have learned a lot. What a blessing your family is.
Praise the Lord!
What a beautiful illustration of the transformation adoption can make!
That is totally amazing!!
that made my hair stand on Thank you so much for sharing! Wow. Wow. Wow.
Oh Amy!! Praise the Lord for redeeming sweet Havyn and placing her in your family! It's amazing to think of all He has already done in her life and what He may have in store!
What a difference time, love, and the healing hand of God can make...what a blessing!
The difference in these two photos is the essence of adoption and God's heart for redemption. Amazing!
What an incredible testimony to the importance of being part of a loving family. Your donor's heart must be exploding with joy!
Such a change and such a cute blessing.Also just think of what a change will happen in her life someday when because of your love and the love of the donor she will ask Jesus in her heart.Did you get my other email?
That takes my breath away. What an incredible transformation.
wow.. that picture makes me cry and that transformation is incredible! I truly hope your donor sees this! incredible!
What great pictures. I shared them with all of our kids and their friends that have come over! It's good for people to see the reality of what happens and what can happen. Praise God!!!
Redeemed, redeemed - this child has been redeemed!!! Praise God!
She is absolutely beautiful Amy... another amazing Blessing to your family..
Thanks Amy for always being so thoughtful about the people that bless you. You don't take anything or ANYONE for granted and I am so blessed to have you as a friend. And princess looks so gorgeous. What a change from the first picture to now.
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