Sunday, July 11, 2010

Celebrating 6 years with this precious child. Thank you Aleigha for being exactly the way you are. Thank you for sharing your life and your love with us. Because of you, we are blessed. Happy 6th Gotcha Day to our Guatemalan Princess!!

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James 1:27 Family said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Aleigha! You are such a beautiful girl, inside and out. I know your family is so proud of you.

God Bless You, sweet girl!

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Amy, She is absolutely gorgeous and she always has been. What a happy day that was, when you finally got to bring her home.

Pedro and Felis Patlan said...

Amy, She is absolutely gorgeous and she always has been. What a happy day that was, when you finally got to bring her home.

Andrea Hill said...

Happy Birthday precious, beautiful Aleigha!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Happy Gotcha Day!!!

The Smittys said...

Hey! A friend, adopting from ET right now, sent me your blog! Today is our Gotcha Day from Guatemala too! 2005. Your family is a beautiful testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness! I would love to hear about your foster care adoptions.

Adeye said...

Congrats on such a special day---what a treasure you have found, my friend.

Anonymous said...

oh she's beautiful! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Oh Aleigha Grace, Happy Gotcha Day! I will never forget the day you came home! What a beauty you have always been...So thankful for you. Watching your family go through the adoption process with you was what introduced our family to international adoption ~ we are so thankful for you and your awesome family! I hope you had a super fun time celebrating you today!


Mrs. Michelle said...

Happy Gotcha Day Aleigha! Love, Auntie Shell

Alison said...

Happy 6th Gotcha Day, Aleigha!! You are such a precious, beautiful little girl!! What a special day!!

Courtney Kay said...

this makes me long for my Guatemalan baby I had to leave behind... happy gotcha day!

Angel said...

She is a beautiful Guataprincess!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!

I'm in the process of fostering and possibly adopting a boy. but the opposition i'm getting from my own family is so overwelming and heartbreaking, i can hardly believe their reactions. Is it a normal reaction from their side? am i just being stubborn not to stop the process just because they don't approve of it?
i want to get excited about what i imagine should be a great and blessed experience, but how do i when my parents refuse to support me?

Anonymous said...

I have thought so much about you all yesterday and today! You know today is our day!!!! I have so many fond memories of our time together in Guatemala! Love you guys so much.....Hope you had a great day yesterday celebrating!!!


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Sending birthday wishes your way. She is just gorgeous...and what a beautiful smile.


Kimmie said...

Rejoicing with you at God's goodness! What a treasure she is!

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

natali said...

happy gotcha day, aleigha!!

Bethany said...

She's precious- what a wonderful blessing for your family :)