Monday, July 19, 2010

Despite how hot it is here in Texas right now, Keegan and I went out on Sunday and took a few of his Senior pictures. :) I absolutely love taking pictures of my kids. I don't blog as much about my older kids so in case I haven't said it enough- they are AWESOME. I cannot believe Keegan is going to be a Senior this year. I just know I am going to blink again and he too will be gone.

Keegan- thank you for always making me smile. You can make this mama belly laugh more than anyone else in the world. Thank you for the choices you make, for being the kind of person you are- and for knowing who it's all truly about. I love you my sweet baby.

Can someone tell me if there is some way to make time stop??

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Finding Joy said...

Can you say heartbreaker? :) Those are beautiful photos that really capture more than just how handsome he is. There is a wise soul in there. Thank you for sharing more of the one of the "big kids" in your family!

Unknown said...

Awww those are great shots Amy! I know how you feel - hello only 2 yrs left with my girl - UGH!

Love you - Jill

Angie said...

Love the photos! And if you find a way to stop time...let me know...mine are growing too quickly!

Sophie said...

What a handsome boy, he's a spitting image of his dad. He sounds like a wonderful person, truly a blessing.

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Wow, what a good looking son you have. Sure looks like his dad. And sorry, cannot figure out how to make time stop...wish I could lol.

Great photos.


Mrs. Michelle said...

His Auntie Shell loves him too! LOL
Great pics Amy! Keegan has grown into a godly young man who leads others. I am so thankful that Austin has him for a friend.

Deena said...

Your pictures are awesome! I love seeing the shots you take of all of your kids. Thanks for sharing. Your son sounds like a wonderful kid...yikes...senior year. Good luck!

Lindsay said...

Great shots!

Created For His Glory said...

Great pictures and handsome young man!!!

Janet said...

He's so handsome! I sent 2 of my kids off in Jan. Don't think of it as losing him, think of it as another empty bed to put an orphan in=)

Angel said...

KEEGAN!! YOU ADORABLE THING!! I can't believe you are having senior pics now!! Man... I was just on my blog bragging about stealing your wonderful name for our little man.


Andrea Hill said...

Good Grief Amy, you did it again. I hope he will take one of those for his senior pics. What a handsome son you got!

Anonymous said...

Great pics of your handsome boy! I want to stop time too but it didn't happen.Our oldest graduated this year and is on to college and Kaitrin our youngest is in her last year of elementary and Sam is going into 8th grade....God gives us great gifts doesn't He.

Lorraine, AKA Forever Blessed said...

Amy, you are an amazing photographer. Sure itt helps to have such a handsome son, but, seriously, you could make a frog look like a prince! :-) LOVE your shots. I particularly like the color photo of Keegan on the train tracks where the background looks like it's in motion, but Keegan is crisp and still. Very cool photo editing. Are you still using Picnik or did you upgrade to something else? GREAT job, GREAT photos, GREAT-looking son! :-) Miss y'all and love y'all!

Anonymous said...

Wow Keegan. You have changed even since we saw you in April. What a handsome grandson we have. Just like Travis you grew up too soon. We love you and can't wait to watch you play football in Oct.

Gram and Gramps

Anonymous said...

I was on vacation last week and am just catching up on your blog. These pictures of Keegan are AWESOME! He is such a nice looking young man! Tell him we said hello and good luck his senior year!

Anonymous said...

I was on vacation last week and am just catching up on your blog. These pictures of Keegan are AWESOME! He is such a nice looking young man! Tell him we said hello and good luck his senior year!