Why is 12 such a beautiful number you say? Because that is the number of children the Lord has now blessed us with! Yep- you heard me- TWELVE. I've been a little preoccupied here lately trying to not only wrap my mind around 12 but get ready for 12. 12- yes I said we will have twelve children. That is five new little people in our home. 3 girls and 2 boys- evening us out to 6 boys and 6 girls. How good is our God? We need 5 more beds, 5 more car seats, 5 more dressers, five more seats at the table, clothes for five more, etc. etc. And no, I have no idea what we are going to drive! ;0) Our new kiddo's are a sibling group of five coming to us through the foster system -but they are no longer foster children because we are adopting them. They are ages 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. That gives us 8 children under the age of five. :0) Yet I don't feel like it is chaos, I just feel so incredibly blessed that God would see fit to give us five more.
Sometime back I prayed to the Lord and told Him I wanted Him to have all of me. And yet no matter how much I offered or how much I tried to give it all to Him- I kept pulling it back… reeling it back in… playing a game of tug of war. Give it to Him, take it back. Give it to Him, take it back.
So about 2 months ago once again I told God that I wanted to give everything I have to Him… but this time I asked Him to help me not take it back. I told God I wanted to be totally consumed with HIM more than anything in the world. I completely surrendered my life the way I new it and gave it all. All of it. Nothing held back. Nothing. Consumed by my love for Christ. Passion... intensity... courage.
He took me serious, and He took me up on my offer.
While Satan will take whatever shots he gets. we as a family constantly remind ourselves-that while yes we may look and "do things" differently, it's all for HIM and that is all that matters. In the end..we only answer to Him.
And I am in awe that no matter how many blessings we are given, each one is so unique. No matter how many babies I have, it is still as amazing as the first one.
Yes twelve is a beautiful number.
So, so happy for all of you! Looking forward to seeing you all together! Way to go Block Family! What a blessing you are to the kids, as I am sure they, too, will be to you!
Congrats Amy! So happy for you and I know you and Todd will be able to handle and beautifully raise these children through the strength God gives you. Excited to hear more about your new little ones!!
Amy, Todd and "perfect 12"beautiful children,
We wish you Blessings and Wisdom as you begin this beautiful new chapter in your life.....doreen
Holy cow girl!! WOW. I am struggling to GIVE HIM my ENTIRE LIFE. I don't know what it looks like or where HE will take me, so I keep taking it back like you were doing! I'm so glad to know that there's a chance for me. I look forward to seeing what God is going to show me during my 'LIFE OF MOSES' Bible Study this year.
I am so proud of you. WOW...12 children. I want more, but can't get past the 2 bed/2.5 bath apt we are in now to focus on more children. I feel like jumping in the car to come help you get ready for them all!!
I am speechless...thank you so much for showing me what life can look like when you give GOD your ENTIRE LIFE!!
Wooo Hooo, Girlfriend! So happy for you and for your precious new children....Now give me details...How old are the boys/ girls? When will the transition begin? What do the other children say?
I'm looking forward to watching this blessing unfold in your life and family....Just remember...when you're over YOUR head....it's the perfect place for God's strength and glory to shine! Hugs!
Lisa H.
12--indeed, a beautiful number. I can't wait to see God's plan for the lives of each of these amazing kids.
Wow! Does God love you and TRUST you or WHAT?!? Amazing!
5 little hearts to shepherd!
5 more bodies to hug.
5 more mouths to smooch!
10 more feet to pitter patter!
10 more beautiful eyes to gaze into.
5 more children to train up in the way they should go.
I am just floored at God's plan.
May he provide for you at every turn, all the beds, the clothes, the toothbrushes and socks and diapers and even the vehicle. He is Jehovah Jireh!
Congratulations and thank you Lord.
When do they arrive?
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! This is wonderful news and I am sure that the children will be an amazing blessing to your family. I can't wait to see you talking about them on your blog and get to know each one.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! This is wonderful news and I am sure that the children will be an amazing blessing to your family. I can't wait to see you talking about them on your blog and get to know each one.
We are so proud of you and Todd. If anyone can do this you two can. We will now be the proud grandparents of 21 and will love it. God bless you all.
Mom and Dad
12 is my favorite number!! Seriously...always has been. This is such exciting news and I'm very happy for all of you. Can't wait to hear more about them and see their precious faces. 5 more kids for you to have photo sessions with :) Congrats to your entire family.
Phyllis & Kristen
Ok, I have said so many times that your family seems like sooooo much fun. Now look at you - adding even more fun. Makes me even more anxious to get the hubby well so we can get back on the search for Jman's siblings ;)
Congratulations on your exciting news. 12 is a great number.
~ anne
I am SO excited this is working out for you guys and for those beautiful kids. HUGE congrats!!!!! Having a big family is a ton of work but is SO much fun and the blessing far outweigh the challenges. Don't listen to the crowd who will say you must be "crazy". You are very blessed!!!
So proud to be called your friend and sister in Him. Thanks for standing in the gap for me this week.
I am so proud of you. You are an amazing family. I learn from you everytime I read your blog. You are inspiring. God Bless!
Smellie Ellie :)
Congratulations, Amy!! I'm so happy for you and your family. God is good.
Girl. I take a few days off and come back to this great news!!!
I am so very happy for your beautiful family.
God never gives us a job He expects us to do without Him! He has such great plans for all 14 of you! WOW! What a great thing. A dozen children!
Amy and Todd...I am amazed...! WOW! about sums it up. Cheaper by the dozen huh? LOL!
I am so excited for you all...God has truly blessed your family with all your kids and your kids are blessed to have you and Todd as parents.
I will say it again...WOW! :o)
Love you all, can't wait to see pictures of these precious kids...
Congratulations Block family! How exciting! Can't wait to hear more about these precious children!
You'll need to drive a 15 passenger Ford Clubwagon. They're the BEST. We had a 1985 ... a 1991 ... and now a 2002.
We sold our 1991 with 185,000 miles on it, just after taking an 8,000 mile road trip in it, with 9 or our 10 kids. And, it still had a LOT of miles left on it. We just bought a newer one because we wanted to do more cross-country road trips. Two years later, we did an 8,500 trip ... with 8 of our 10 kids.
Next year, we plan a road trip with with 9 of our 13 kids.
Yea ... for big families ... and big vans to hold them in.
Laurel :)
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