Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I thought I'd post a little update since I have had lots of requests for more information and pictures. You all are so sweet by the way! Unfortunately at this time we don't have any new pictures- only the one the state posted when searching for a family for Kaden. (My sister Jenny actually found him for me and the day before I found her son for her!) How cool is that? For Baby D I have seen a picture BUT since she is technically still in foster care I am not allowed to post one on a public blog unless they had previously posted one, which they had not. So you will just have to trust me, she is CUTE. :0) As soon as I can though, this blog will be FULL of pictures!
Much of the information we have on Kaden I will also not be able to share. He has had an extremely hard past and been through a LOT for a little boy of just 16 months. It will be his story to share one day how he wishes and if he wishes. I know though that God can use the painful experiences in our lives when we allow Him and I am praying that we can raise Kaden to have peace in that. I know looking back on my life the times that were the hardest were the times I grew and changed the most. It was never fun, but the end result were worth it. I don't ever want Kaden to look at himself as 'poor me' but rather look at his life as a blessing. Because most definately he has already blessed our family and he's not even home yet.

Some fun things I know about Kaden: they told us he loves animals and other children (which is a good thing in our house because we have lots of children and some days they act just like animals!!) They said he is small- but very strong. He is still taking a bottle which I am so thankful for because it really helps with bonding when we can rock him and feed him his bottled.
As for when we get to bring him home- they have to obtain a certain document which should take 1-2 weeks and then we can begin our visits. The first visit we will go to the foster home he is at right now (which is a great home and they would have loved to have adopted him but they are 60 years old and felt they could not). At this visit we get to meet him and hang out and play for a few hours. Next visit we are allowed to take him for a few hours to do something fun like the zoo or McDonalds playland or something. 3rd visit we get to bring him home for the weekend!! Then if all is going well they will schedule for adoptive placement- meaning he will come home with us FOREVER. :0) We have lots to do before then- did I mention I have nothing for a little boy anymore??? I'm still trying to decide about the whole crib thing- my kids were pretty much climbing out of their cribs by his age so I am not sure what we will do. I'd hate to buy one for a month. Plus we need to find out his shoe size and clothing size. I don't think he will like us much if we dress him in left over pink sparkly dresses from Aleigha and Mya. My boys have high hopes he will be good at football... his daddy and I just want him to be whatever God calls him to be. For I know God has big plans for this amazing little hero- my new son- because He has definately made it clear he was to be our son. He pushed us to put all our fears aside and step out in faith. There is no where else I would rather be- then holding my precious children in the Lord's grip.

Thank you Lord for once again expanding our family. Some may view us as crazy but I know in your eyes God we are right where we should be and there is no where else I would rather be. Thank you Lord for the privilege of serving you. I am in awe, and I am so very, very blessed.

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21


Anonymous said...

Have I said that I'm so excited for you??? yep, only a few times now! It has been awesome to watch God work in the life of your family and also to watch you as you step out in faith to see what God is leading you to. I can't wait to hear more about Kaden as you get to know him as your son! Hugs to all the Blocks!! DebbieT

Mandy said...

Congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, Amy! We are so happy for all of you!

Sarah said...

Amy - I love how you love your kids! I'm so exicted for you and can't wait to hear more about Kaden!