I just started reading the book Dangerous Surrender ~What happens when you say Yes to God, by Kay Warren. After having about 5 people tell me it is a ‘must', I thought, ok God- I hear you and I went out and purchased the book. I am only on the 2nd chapter but I have to tell you- you NEED to read this book. It is life changing- even after just the first 2 chapters. I don’t want to spoil it for any of you, but the just of the book is as Kay Warren says- if you had to sum up Christianity into one word is would be surrender. Now I know we all like to think of ourselves as willing- as submissive, as surrenders to God. But are we really?? I’m not talking about serving in the church nursery when we really don’t feel like it… or bringing someone a meal when our schedule doesn’t really permit it. Kay is talking about true surrender- being willing to give it all up for God. ALL of it. Surrender to His will- no matter the cost. Kay says God can use an average person like you and me to do something big if we allow him. If we truly allow him…
As I read through the rest of the book I know I will have more to share. But today I wanted to touch on this verse that God has placed on our hearts ever since we found out about 'Sweet E'- our little Kaden. It’s from Joshua 1:16: “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go”. The verse doesn’t say 'some of what you have commanded us we will do… or even, as long as it doesn’t hurt me too much we will do'… it says WHATEVER and WHEREVER. Scary huh? Let me tell you- it is- because we are living it right now. Yet I am blessed beyond measure by serving God in this way. Even though it is hard, even thought there is and will continue to be pain- we will stand firm, with our roots deep into the soil of our Lord and keep our eyes focused on him.
As I read through the rest of the book I know I will have more to share. But today I wanted to touch on this verse that God has placed on our hearts ever since we found out about 'Sweet E'- our little Kaden. It’s from Joshua 1:16: “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go”. The verse doesn’t say 'some of what you have commanded us we will do… or even, as long as it doesn’t hurt me too much we will do'… it says WHATEVER and WHEREVER. Scary huh? Let me tell you- it is- because we are living it right now. Yet I am blessed beyond measure by serving God in this way. Even though it is hard, even thought there is and will continue to be pain- we will stand firm, with our roots deep into the soil of our Lord and keep our eyes focused on him.
In Dangerous Surrender, Kay Warren challenges us to surrender to God’s will… that may mean being inconvenienced, that may mean your plans, your dreams, your schedule is thrown out the window and God moves in and takes over in ways you had never dreamed.
I’d like to end with this message from her book: “To want to serve God in some conditions, but not others, is so serve Him in your own way. But to put no limits on your submission to God is truly dying to yourself. This is how to worship God. Open yourself to God without measure. Let His life flow through you like a torrent. Fear nothing on the road you are walking. God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself”. (taken from Dangerous Surrender, written by King Louis XIV)
Precious Lord, please help us hear your calling and to surrender to you. You have already equipped us with everything we need for life’s battles. Having you by our side is more than enough. And Lord, when the journey gets long and the road is rough, help us to keep our eyes on you. Give us the spirit of willingness- regardless of where you lead us. For when we are left to follow our own pursuits disaster will result and that is not what you want for your children. I will guard the treasure of your word by planting its roots deep within the soil of my heart. I chose to listen, look and obey what you tell me.
I’d like to end with this message from her book: “To want to serve God in some conditions, but not others, is so serve Him in your own way. But to put no limits on your submission to God is truly dying to yourself. This is how to worship God. Open yourself to God without measure. Let His life flow through you like a torrent. Fear nothing on the road you are walking. God will lead you by the hand. Let your love for Him cast out the fear you feel for yourself”. (taken from Dangerous Surrender, written by King Louis XIV)
Precious Lord, please help us hear your calling and to surrender to you. You have already equipped us with everything we need for life’s battles. Having you by our side is more than enough. And Lord, when the journey gets long and the road is rough, help us to keep our eyes on you. Give us the spirit of willingness- regardless of where you lead us. For when we are left to follow our own pursuits disaster will result and that is not what you want for your children. I will guard the treasure of your word by planting its roots deep within the soil of my heart. I chose to listen, look and obey what you tell me.
Thanks for sharing...I think I needed to hear that today.
I'm in the midst of reading this book too, and I've been telling lots of friends I wanted them to read it, because I thought they'd appreciate it. Honestly, I thought of you when I was reading it too, so I think God really DOES want you to read this book. :o)
Keep posting on your thoughts...I need someone to process this book with becaues it packs some big punches!
Lisa H.
I KNOW RIGHT???? It's amazing. :0) Angel
I think this will be my next book! Sounds encouraging and challenging and the same time. Thank you Amy, for your life's example of complete surrender.
Amy, I am sorry you have tears for Kadens past ....we can not change the past but we can create happiness with open hearts of love in our future and in the future of the ones we love.. doreen
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