Did you know that Jesus has a foot fetish? He thinks that feet are beautiful… he sees beauty in our feet when we are not afraid to get up, MOVE, and have the courage to serve. Often times we refer to this as being the ‘hands and feet’ of Jesus. While this is true, I often wonder if maybe Jesus didn’t mean for us to take this a step further. I think that God wanted us to not only serve with our hands and feet- but with the eyes of our heart as well.
When I think of a true servant-Mother Theresa is probably one of the first individuals who come to mind. I believe that is because she took serving to the next level. Mother Theresa said that in each face of the dying, the diseased, the destitute she served- she saw the face of Christ. "Christ in the distressing disguise of the poor" as she put it.
Many Christians are good at serving- good at writing checks and good at volunteering. While that is noble and definitely does make a difference- I think that scripture challenges us to do more than just ‘the right thing’. I think it begs us to look into the face of those we serve and treat them as if they ARE Jesus.
Look around you- do you see Jesus? He is in the face of the homeless man living under the bridge…in the neighbor who is going through a divorce… and the little boy in the foster care system who is HIV+. Do you see him?
While God loves beautiful feet- he wants us to take a step further and look deeper into the eyes of those we serve… and I can guarantee you, you will see Jesus there.
Jesus said, "As you have done it to the least of these, you have done it to me."
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