Our neighbors raise miniature horses and just 5 days ago one of them gave birth. It has been a beautiful experience for us to watch and a precious lesson on life for my children. Aleigha and Mya will stand at the fence watching for what seems like hours as the mother horse takes care of her new pony. Inevitably the questions have come... questions on birth, on life, on the bond of a mother and her baby... which opens the door for a discussion on adoption. These lessons are a gift for us- a chance to my girls to see and experience first hand the miracle of life. In a world full of chaos, disasters and pain I praise God for the gift of standing outside in the gentle breeze with the sun on our faces and witnessing the miracle of life. All around us there is beauty and good- little glimpses of God's presence when we really look... the gift of family, love, friendships and His marvelous creations.
"God saw all that he had made, and it was good." Genesis 1:31
Lord, help me to celebrate life to the fullest. Let me really see your creation, your beauty, in everything. Let the greatest thrills in my life be from discovering you in everything around me. Let me not waste a single day on regret or things I cannot change. Help me to focus on the gifts you have given to me- my life, your truth, my faith, your peace, my salvation and your will.
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