This is my precious Mya Sofia. Mya has been home just a little over a year now. She came home at just 2 months shy of being 4 years old. (To view her video click here http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4414988281239942044 ) This little girl is such a gift from God. She has blessed our family beyond measure with her bright smile and amazing attitude. I have learned more from this little girl than I ever thought possible. She is my hero. For her birthday this year she wanted a guitar and to go to the McDonalds playland. How easy was that on mommy!? For dinner we went out to eat at Chilli's and Mya had this huge chocolate ice cream cake for dessert that she graciously shared with all her family. I'm sad that my baby is already five years old- but so thankful for this amazing year we have had with her in our family. I love you Mya Sofia! Happy 5th birthday!
I love your picture Mya (MY bestest birthday present ever!!!) titi
5 YEARS OLD!!! It's not possible. Oh I just love all the pictures. She is so gorgeous. :0) Angel
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