It happened again… we were counted. 1,2,3,4 (eyes growing bigger) 5, (mouth drops open) 6… Yep- six kids and here it comes – “ARE THEY ALL YOURS?”
This incident got me to thinking… why is that people think of having children is a burden- not a blessing- and when did this all start? I believe a lot of it has to do with the ‘me’ generation that we live in. Many people see children as a good thing only if we can afford them (according to the worlds view), only if our career is well established, only if the pregnancy (or adoption) is any easy one, and definitely if there are not more than two of them. But I believe in having this view we are putting limits on God and we need to trust that God will bless us as He sees fit…
God has blessed our family- not just with having 6 children- but with the blessing that comes from trusting Him to provide for us and trusting us with His children. On Sunday our pastor reminded us that against popular belief- we were NOT put on this earth to live in BIG houses and have BIG banks accounts. It’s hard to go against the ‘norm’- what everyone else views as ‘popular’ today… and it’s hard to hear over and over again “you are crazy for having so many children”. But I’d like to turn the tables and ask the askers- why shouldn't they have more children -and then hold their answers up against scripture. For example, if they think they shouldn’t because they can’t afford it, then what does that say when God says He is the only one who provides for us? Do they think they can take care of themselves and do not need God? If they say they just cannot “handle” any more kids… why is that? Are the children they do have undisciplined? Are they too busy doing things that really do not have eternal value? Are they being selfish? And just so we understand, I am NOT talking about those who can only have one child, or no children at all- because sometimes that too is God's will. I am just simply responding to those who feel free to comment on large families and why we choose this life. When I let the comments bother me, and I begin to have doubts or question myself- I ask myself- are the children God gave us the source of stress in my life? I have to honestly say no. People with only one child or even no children still experience stress, they still have rough days and life still gets overwhelming. So when I look into my children’s eyes- when I see them running to me to share the excitement of their day- God confirms to me that yes - I do have MORE THAN ENOUGH… more than enough love, more than enough hugs, more than enough smiles, more than enough laughter, and more than enough to brighten my day. And for that- I am so very, very, blessed. So you see-letting peoples comments upset me is not doing anyone any good- But, taking that opportunity to share the Lord with them and all that He has done for us in allowing us to have a larger family than most, and trusting Him alone is a blessing in itself. God can use me. He can use me to share Him with others- and for that I am doubly blessed.
This incident got me to thinking… why is that people think of having children is a burden- not a blessing- and when did this all start? I believe a lot of it has to do with the ‘me’ generation that we live in. Many people see children as a good thing only if we can afford them (according to the worlds view), only if our career is well established, only if the pregnancy (or adoption) is any easy one, and definitely if there are not more than two of them. But I believe in having this view we are putting limits on God and we need to trust that God will bless us as He sees fit…
God has blessed our family- not just with having 6 children- but with the blessing that comes from trusting Him to provide for us and trusting us with His children. On Sunday our pastor reminded us that against popular belief- we were NOT put on this earth to live in BIG houses and have BIG banks accounts. It’s hard to go against the ‘norm’- what everyone else views as ‘popular’ today… and it’s hard to hear over and over again “you are crazy for having so many children”. But I’d like to turn the tables and ask the askers- why shouldn't they have more children -and then hold their answers up against scripture. For example, if they think they shouldn’t because they can’t afford it, then what does that say when God says He is the only one who provides for us? Do they think they can take care of themselves and do not need God? If they say they just cannot “handle” any more kids… why is that? Are the children they do have undisciplined? Are they too busy doing things that really do not have eternal value? Are they being selfish? And just so we understand, I am NOT talking about those who can only have one child, or no children at all- because sometimes that too is God's will. I am just simply responding to those who feel free to comment on large families and why we choose this life. When I let the comments bother me, and I begin to have doubts or question myself- I ask myself- are the children God gave us the source of stress in my life? I have to honestly say no. People with only one child or even no children still experience stress, they still have rough days and life still gets overwhelming. So when I look into my children’s eyes- when I see them running to me to share the excitement of their day- God confirms to me that yes - I do have MORE THAN ENOUGH… more than enough love, more than enough hugs, more than enough smiles, more than enough laughter, and more than enough to brighten my day. And for that- I am so very, very, blessed. So you see-letting peoples comments upset me is not doing anyone any good- But, taking that opportunity to share the Lord with them and all that He has done for us in allowing us to have a larger family than most, and trusting Him alone is a blessing in itself. God can use me. He can use me to share Him with others- and for that I am doubly blessed.
When I see that couch full of kids it looks wonderful to me. I love this post and you are so right! We let our selfishness get in the way of the incredible blessings God wants to give us. Our definition of joy is so very narrow.I adore your family. I have a feeling my couch will be just as full one day. You are part of my inspiration for that. Hugs! Angel
Hi, it's Wendi, Angel's friend...we met at Zoe's homecoming party...
This post is one of my favorite blog posts that I've ever read...thank you for writing words that until now had only been in my heart and head...you captured them - thank you! (I'm going to post a link from my blog). Your family is beautiful and inspiring...looking forward to the day when God chooses to entrust us with more. I also have a question about sibling fights, if you don't mind emailing me off-line at wendi@henrylegacy.com. Thanks!
Hi, it's Wendi, Angel's friend...we met at Zoe's homecoming party...
This post is one of my favorite blog posts that I've ever read...thank you for writing words that until now had only been in my heart and head...you captured them - thank you! (I'm going to post a link from my blog). Your family is beautiful and inspiring...looking forward to the day when God chooses to entrust us with more. I also have a question about sibling fights, if you don't mind emailing me off-line at wendi@henrylegacy.com. Thanks!
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