Growing up this was the nativity scene we had in our home. I remember sitting in front of it just staring at the figurines. My mom used to let me play with the people- as a matter of fact, it's the same figures she played with as a little girl as well. If you look closely the heads have been glued back onto Mary and the wise men more times than I can count.
Today I found Aleigha sitting in front of the nativity scene just looking in wonder- the same way I did when I was a child. Isn't God awesome how He draws us in... how even at a young age we long for more of Him... we long to understand Him... to get just a little glimpse of His heart.
"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed... nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
Lord, you give each of your children a seed of faith. Then it is up to us how we grow it. Growth comes when we trust you will every circumstance of our lives and believe that nothing is impossible through you. Lord we are willing, oh so willing, to follow you at all cost.. turning our back on anything else that has previously held us in it's grip. When we chose to surrender our own self-will, interests, and desires, you will exhange them for a new heart and a life that is pleasing to you. Thank you.
Not even five minutes ago, I took down our nativity scene from Guatemala and put it on top of our bookcase. I decided it wouldn't last another day in Nandini's hands. She is soooo attracted to it.
But it did make me think that maybe she needs a dollhouse with some doll figures. :-)
These pictures are so sweet - It's so neat that you have a nativity that has been in your family that long! I hope mine makes it that far. Gone are the days of being able to arrange the nativity myself and have it look "nice." (Right now everyone is lined up to see Baby Jesus.) I love it that your kids can play with yours too. Sarah PS. I'm so glad you started a blog. You have such a great heart that really encourages others.
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