Introducing- the "S" family! Aren't they amazing? I can't but smile when I see all 4 of those little girls together. Pictured are (L to R) Doreen's mother, Neyvada, Gabi, Doreen, Matteya, and Bella. (all 4 adopted from Guatemala). Doreen and I met also via the internet while she was bringing home her 2nd daugher, Bella. Bella and Aleigha were also 'crib mates' at the orphanage and Doreen and I became fast friends. Actually I think everyone who meets Doreen becomes her friend because that is just the kind of person she is. Seriously, she is one of the most, giving, non judging, unselfish people I have ever meet. She sees someone in need and doesn't think twice. She dives in with her heart and meets the need. "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:9) There are so many things I love about this family- but one thing that stands out to me is how Doreen is one of those adoptive mommies that gives back to the country which her girls came from. She incorporates so much of the Guatemalan culture into their daily life - but she also goes beyond and above to give back to the people of Guatemala. God has blessed her abundantly with these 4 beautiful Guatemalan princesses and because of God's graciousness- and her heart for God -she gives back. "God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that you... may provide in abundance for every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8. RSV)
Doreen's first adoption was Gabi, with her big brown eyes and curly hair and sweet disposition. 9 months later her biological sister, Bella was born and Doreen and Frank were blessed again by this spunky, smart, beautiful little girl. Again 2 years later after a long journey, they brought home Matteya at 7 months old. As you can see she is the 'baby', beautiful, and smart enough to keep up with her big sisters! But God wasn't done and this last October, Neyvada (age 3), was escorted into the arms and hearts of her forever family. There could not be a better fit. God was faithful. It is such a blessing for Doreen to be surrounded by these precious girls. She has told me it was so important to her that these girls have that special 'sister bond' because Doreen herself, lost her sister years ago.
Lord, I thank you for Doreen and her friendship. I have done nothing to deserve it and yet you bless me anyway. Thank you for the lessons I have learned from her- for her ability to reach out and bless the people you hold so close to your heart. Thank you for her example of a servants spirit, always giving, always serving and always honoring you heavenly father... when it is done for you, that is what really counts. "Be he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." (Matthew 23:11 KJV)
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