In case you have a prayer to spare...
This will be what I look at in the back of my car ALL DAY tomorrow. I know, they are cute aren't they? But still- they can get LOUD, trust me. Praise God for the DVD player. But if you are sitting at your computer and all is silent around you- pray for me ok? Whoever said "the road to a friends house is never long"... has never driven packed into one vehicle with six kids!!!! Happy travels!
That is godd mamma tomorrow i will be extra loud just 4 u! :0
Hey! I don't know if you will remember me but we met at the Holiday Inn in Guatemala. We were bringing home Sophie aka Astrid from EN and you had just left from there and were on your way home! I saw the link to your blog from Amy's blog!!!Anyways, Merry Christmas and I said a small prayer for your day in the car..... LOL!
HEE HEE HEE!!!! You poor thing!!! They sure are cute though. Have a great time. I will miss talking to you this week. Blog for me OK? Hugs to you. Angel
Sorry, I meant to say Angels blog!
Hi Sheri! I do remember you! How is Sophie doing? I'm going to go check out your blog! So good to hear from you! Amy
Saying many prayers for ya, Amy! Just going to the gas station with 3 in the back drives me insane. :-) But your kids are good as gold - except that's 8 bladders to take care of and I'm sure the DVD range from a 17 year old to a 4 year old differs vastly. Are your teens sick of Disney movies yet? lol
Have a great trip! Hope to see you when you get back.
What an adventure! I'm praying for you. - Sarah
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