I know what I am going to be doing- I am so going to be at T4A!!!
T4A-I mean seriously- even the name is cool don't you think?
What exactly is T4A you ask? (you did ask didn't you?)
Trust me, it's something you do not want to miss. Together for orphans 2010 National Conference is in Austin Texas Oct 1-2.
To read more about it you can check out http://www.togetherforadoption.org/
This years conferences promises to be a great one and I cannot wait to go! There is a fantastic lineup of keynote speakers and they are estimating a little over 1,000 cool people who are passionate about God, adoption and orphan care under one roof.
Can you imagine? All.Under.One.Roof. It's this orphan loving girls dream come true. :0)
So often times we adoptive families feel like we are in this alone. One reason why I love the blogging world is because here I know that there are others who 'get it'- and it's a safe place where we can turn to for support. That is what is so incredibly awesome about T4A!
Just think-two whole days surrounded by people who have heard God's call to care for orphans and are living that calling out.
Two whole days spent with people who 'get it'.
Two whole days spent with people who understand the heart of God.
It simply doesn't get any better than that.
This years conference theme is “The Gospel, the Church, and the Global Orphan Crisis"- and one thing I can promise you is that it's gonna be good.
So don't wait- go sign up here for the early bird special. I cannot wait to see you there!!!

I'll be there! Hope to meet you 'in real life' :)
It sounds like an amazing conference! I had hoped to go but now we're expecting to have a new child with us by then (taking the adoption classes now - woohoo!) so I'll need to stay close to home. :)
I'm definately looking into going, it's so good to be around people who get it, because like you said often times you feel like your alone.
Would love to be there, but um, hope to be in China :)
Looks GREAT! We went to the Orphan Conference in Mpls recently and you are so right...it is so wonderful to spend 2 days with people who 'get it.'
Enjoy and let us know what you learn.
A friend just posted the link to the conference on FB. Then, I check your blog and here is a post about the same conference. All within 5 minutes. Maybe the Lord is trying to tell me something.....
AWESOME! Thanks for sharing this! Just signed up! :)
I am going with Project Hopeful and cannot wait to meet you! So exciting! I went last year and loved it, this years sounds wonderful!
I'm going, and can't wait! I was thrilled to see you on the bloggers list, as I've been following your blog for some time.
A friend just told me about your blog today at lunch after church...I love it! Your family is so beautiful! We are a MS family that has just started to process to adopt a baby girl from Ethiopia, and we couldn't be more excited about it! God is giving us such a passion for adoption and orphans...I am really interested in this conference! Sounds like it will be amazing!!
I WILL BE THERE!!!!!!! WOOOHOO!!!! It's gonna be SO GREAT! :o) Angel
I WILL BE THERE!!!! I can't WAIT to meet you sweet friend!! Sorry I've been MIA...I only have 2, so there is really NO EXCUSE!! Love ya!!
Sadly we will be in Ethiopia (not sad to be in ET, but sad to miss this conference!).
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