Last week I passed forward $10,000 that was raised from the Pass It Forward Adoption Fund (AKA Abby's Wish) to the Riggs family to begin their Ethiopian adoption. If you are new to my blog- you can read how the Pass It Forward Adoption fund got started here. I cannot thank all of you who contributed enough. Because of YOU- there will be one less orphan in this world. I have loved getting to know so many of you and have been so touched by your stories and your hearts for orphans.
Our original goal was to raise $20,000 to pass forward for someone else's adoption- and that goal has not changed. However, the Riggs family will only be taking $10,000 of it to pass forward and the other $10,000 I will be raising to pass forward to another family (or perhaps divided between several other families). The Riggs will also eventually be raising another $10,000 to pass onto another family in the future -to keep the idea going.
Often times the one thing that holds a family back from saying yes to adoption is the money. But I truly believe with my entire heart that if we take that first step God will provide. Sometimes we have to work like crazy fundraising- on our knees the entire time- and other times it comes in ways we never expected. But no matter how God chooses to supply- we learn and we grow and our lives are forever changed. Growth can be scary and sometimes even painful- but always necessary if we are to do His work.
I am also passionate about the adoption community coming together and supporting each other through the adoption process. Even if we don't have a lot to contribute financially, we can always offer fund raising idea's, prayer, and encouragement. Sometimes just knowing someone is there and someone else 'gets it' is huge.
I am going to continue to pray and try to come up with more idea's on how to raise the next $10,000- but I feel completely confident that it will eventually come in- because God said so- and He always keeps His promises. :0) Thank you again for the sacrifices you made and the work you put into helping a child find their way home.
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
Proverbs 16:3
Coming alongside of you!
Wow I love this idea! What a blessing to help out others!
How awesome to be reminded that there are people like you out there who "get it" and who are willing to come alongside those who have a heart, but perhaps not the pocketbook for adoption!!!
Your continued willingness to walk out your faith is an inspiration!
I can't wait to do this same thing when we have ours paid. I was going to personalize our shirts, and then thought maybe someone else could use them some time. I love what God has done with your heart~ May it lead so many others on their own miraculous journey. You are an inspiration to me!
I stumbled upon your blog and wanted to tell you how deeply inspired and touched I am by your willingness to “pass it forward.” Being a fundraising family is incredibly humbling, yet my husband and I feel led to help other Christian families fundraise for future adoptions. It is so important to rally around others and encourage them through this process, but most importantly, it is about bringing a child into a loving, Christ centered home.
Love your pickle jar idea. Just might have to steal it!
WOW!! I am so ecouraged by your blog this morning. We just recently started our blog with the intention of encouraging other families to start their own minus 1 project. We are trying different fundraising ideas that we can post and share for others. I LOVE supporting others in their journey to bring their child/children home. We have a oj jug-like your pickle jar-and it warms my heart to see neighbors (and young friends)bring over their spare change at the end of the week. Getting ready to post on that one...b/c our jug is almost full! Would love to post your blog on mine if that is ok?! Again, thanks for holding up the adoption community and helping families come together!
Your heart for God's Kingdom is infectious. Thank you for being a testimony to so many.
Praying for you!
Your heart is an inspiration. Your adoption "pass it forward" testimony has led me to add a new line item to our monthly budget "Adoption/Ministry." Even though we're contiually tightening the budget for our own adoption fund, God has shown us that each time I give to others' funds, the money is just there somehow. We are going to Uganda in July & 3 months ago we had $0 for it, didn't touch the adoption fund, and He's provided $6K for us to go. He is so good and He PROVIDES through the Body because of servants like you. Blessings, Mandi
You have such a great heart, and you words inspire me! What a blessing this is to the families that will receive it! We are slowly but surely saving for our first adoption. When we complete our adoption process...I am excited to do fundraising for others!
That is wonderful to hear about the Rigg's family!
I wanted to let you know too that God also blew oursocks off 3 years ago with providing 100% of what we need within one week of saying yes to God. We knew that week it was our job to Pay-It-Forward.
I just opened and Etsy shop at that I am using to let families help raise money for adoptions if they are homestudy approved. I had the first one last Saturday and the family sold 50 pendants! If anyone you know needs help in raising money please have them send me a convo at my shop.
Nothing puts a smile in my heart more than seeing kiddos come home!
Thank you for your faithfulness, for defending those who can't defend themselves and for encouraging all of us to do the same-every day!
I love your "Pass It Forward Fund". It is truly inspiring to see adoptive/adopting families continuing to support each other. We just began the "One Dollar Adoption Challenge" and honestly believe that's all it takes. If each person who reads my blog, your blog, any adoptive family's blog would donate just $1 at a time, then the world quite possibly would be orphan free! Imagine that!!:)
Thanks for the continuing reminders of God's love for each of us. Praying you have a blessed summer with your angels!
In Him,
What a blessing to see the Pass It Forward fund bring the first of many children home!
I think it is great what all you do but I do have one question why help out the Riggs like that? I think they have to much on their plate to be adopting another child while they have Abby to care for along with all the other kids that need their attention. I don't think that the new child will get the attention it needs when it comes into their home. I think the pass it forward is great but of gone to another family.
Praise God what a blessing! Bless your loving heart!
Our family wondered if we'd heard God right 'cause we didn't know how we'd be able to save the necessary amount for adoption. Then we realized it's not about what WE are going to's about what GOD is already doing. When he provided the money, we would know what it is for.....true to His word, my husband's business increased so that in the last 2 months He has provided all we need to start our adoption. Praise God! He is faithful.
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