Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Last year our oldest son Travis went away to college. While it was hard to let go, hard to not have him under our roof and hard to watch him grow up and go his own way- it was also a blessing to see him stand strong in his faith and make choices we can be proud of.

I look back now and realize how quickly our children grow up- and how precious the time we have with them truly is. I don't want to take a minute of it for granted. While at college Travis met an amazing young lady, Martina, who has become very dear to our family. It has been such a joy to get to know her. She is such a sweet, smart girl- everything you would want for your son. I am quite positive her family must be pretty proud of her too. Today I had the opportunity to take pictures of the two of them together and we had a blast. Thought I'd share some of their cuteness with you. :0)

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Emily said...

What a cute couple! Did you do this in your "spare time" after our time at the park?

Amy said...

Ha Emily! I did actually! I also managed to get 3 loads of laundry done and dinner on the table. ;0) All in a days work. The park was the most fun though! :0)

Kelli said...

Absolutely gorgeous couple! They grow up so fast, don't they? I just found out that two of my cousins, both age 20, are becoming fathers this year. I remember when they were born like it was yesterday. Blows my mind!!!

Blessings to Travis and Martina (and you too, proud mama)!

Kim said...

Oh my ... adorable!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Unknown said...

Totally cute! great shots. Looks like engagement shots! hmmmm....

You are really good at photography Amy!

Love and blessings,

Adeye said...

How absolutely BEAUTIFUL they are together, friend.

STUNNING pics :)

Deena said...

They are adorable!!! Love your pictures. Maybe you could post a few photo tips some day :) Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

What a cute, cute couple!!! I know you are so proud of Travis! I can tell he is just a fine young man now!!!

Debbie Doughty said...

Have you heard the song by Trace Adkins, Then They Do? I think you'd like it :)

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Oh, they are most certainly adorable together - she's a doll!

Claire & Eden said...

Just love reading your blog! This post reminded me of my favorite song with now called "Blink" by Revive. "It happens in a blink, it happen in a flash, it happens in the time it took to look back"
If you don't know it you should look it up =( SUPER good!

Our babies grow up way too fast! btw, LOVE your photography

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Beautiful couple. Love Travis's jeans.

Phyllis said...

They are a beautiful couple. You did a great job with the pictures. I'm hoping to see you guys this summer :)

Andrea Hill said...

How much those 2 have matured in just one year. Amazing. I know you are poking out your future plans:) Travis looks so awesome with that short hair.

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Sweet photos!!!
Would you mind sending me your email? I wanted to ask you a couple of questions or ask your advice! Thanks!

rachellechaseblog said...

gorgeous pictures! love the background!!
question...what made you move from indiana to texas? just wondering :)

BrandiB said...

cute couple and great pictures!

Angel said...

THEY ARE SO STINKING ADORABLE! She really is a sweety. :o) Angel