Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I was thinking...

I was thinking the other day where I would be had I not said yes.

I was thinking the other day how my life would be so different had I not believed.

I was thinking the other day where I would be now had I let the world determine my ways.

I was thinking the other day how much I would have lost out on had I succumb to fear.

I was thinking the other day how glad I am that I listened to the voice of truth.

I was thinking the other day how empty I would be...

without you.

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Kristy said...

Perfectly simple, perfectly timed reminder for my heart. Thank you!

He is soooo beautiful! :)

Unknown said...

AMEN! I think about that almost daily around here too!

Love you,
PS GOODNESS HE IS PRECIOUS!!! All of your children are!

Andrea Hill said...

So true Amy. You just put it out there much nicer than I did the other day. Love that Mickey Mouse:)

Engendo said...

awwww and you bless me... just sayin...

natali said...

amen! same here! different circumstances, but same YES to God! :))

BrandiB said...

Great post! Through everything I never want to forget how blessed we truly are to have these kids in our lives!

Renee said...


trustandobey said...

Thanks for the reminder that fear is the perfect THIEF that we are all willing to open our doors to. And it will rob us blind of the greatest treasures God has to give us. I think it is satan's #1 weapon in the arena of adoption. Lord, help us to see fear for what it is.

Dardi said...

Hey, did you write that for my benefit!? LOL Your words can be such a loving kick in the butt.... ;o)

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS! Love his smile!!!

Jen said...


I couldn't agree more! I wrote about "saying YES" in a post a while back. Thought you might like to read it!

Intentional Living Homestead said...

Thank you for sharing that...beautiful. And something for me to ponder this day.