Friday, June 18, 2010

I believe in miracles...

Some people don't believe that Jesus still in the miracle business today.

But I do, because one happened today in front of my very eyes...

This little boy 'officially' became our son. No more silly heart stickers covering his sweet face. I'd like to introduce you to our amazing gift from God~ Carson.
(sorry about the quality of the video in the beginning... it was the only copy I had after my lap top was stolen)

image signature


JG said...

Ohmigoodness, I love his sweet smile! So glad to finally see it :) Congratulations!

Laurel said...

Yea! Just as adorable as I imagined.

I think it's time to put a new picture at the top of your blog, of the WHOLE family. Yea! No more heart stickers.

:) :) :)

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miracles do happen- often! Love it. So glad to finally see his adorable face. How very very sweet! Welcome to your forever family Carson- God Bless You All!!!!!!

natali said...

it's Carson!! congratulations!! :D

Holly said...

Why am I crying? happy tears though Amy, happy tears.
God is so faithful and His tender passionate love so fierce!

Christi said...

woohooo!!! Hooray for Carson Block! SOOO excited this day has finally come!

Shonni said...

Yea!!! Praising the LORD with your family.

G said...

Congratulations!! That's awesome!
~Gini :)

Unknown said...

Amy what awesome PHOTOS and memories!

Goodness your family is PRECIOUS!

Love you!

Happy ADOPTION day!


Unknown said...

OK we are watching the video now and LOVING every photo - PRECIOUS!

I think I need to redo the header with a updated photo and add the children to the sidebar - what do you think?


Abby Shwoo said...

Yea happy for your family...may God be glorified!

Amy said...

Congratulations! It is so fun to see his face, he has a fantastic smile!

Kelly said...

that is awesome!!

Susan said...

What a gorgeous young man! What a gorgeous family! Congratulations on Adoption Day! How exciting for all of you! So glad we get to see his handsome face in your blog pictures, now!


Andrea said...

Love it!!! Congrats to you!!!

Jodes and Boz said...

Congrats!!! This is so exciting - so happy for you and your family! What a little cutie!

Gabby(: said...

Wow that's amazing! P.s I finished that post I'm sooooooooo happy bout it too

Rhonda said...

Congrats...We are in the process of adopting our 3rd little boy now....Its a wonderful feeling having them officially ours!!!

Rhonda said...

Congrats...We are in the process of adopting our 3rd little boy now....Its a wonderful feeling having them officially ours!!!

Rhonda said...

Congrats...We are in the process of adopting our 3rd little boy now....Its a wonderful feeling having them officially ours!!!

Rhonda said...

Congrats...We are in the process of adopting our 3rd little boy now....Its a wonderful feeling having them officially ours!!!

Phyllis said...

Oh Amy, I'm so glad this day finally arrived!! How exciting, and now we don't have to just look at the back of his head or those stickers. He is absolutely precious and looks so happy. What a beautiful smile. That video is amazing...I cried thru most of it :)

trustandobey said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful little boy!!! Praise God from whom all blessings come!

Anonymous said...


carson is so beautiful and smiling.

This is going to be job for take off the stickers.

Finding Joy said...

Oh happy day! Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
Amy, he is so beautiful. What a gift to click on your blog today and see that gorgeous smile. May you continue to be blessed...Laura

Dardi said...

These children are truly miracles, & how awesome to get to witness another miracle in your family. Hope you enjoy a fun celebration!

Love ~ Dardi

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Congratulations, Block family! He is precious :) xo

Courtney Kay said...


Deena said...

He is adorable! Congratulations... It is wonderful to see his sweet face!

Mary Ann said...

Congratulations to you all! I am so happy to finally get to see that sweet face! What a blessing!!! I still believe in miracles too!

Sandy said...

What a Wonderful God we serve....He is the BEST FATHER anyone can have...
Thank you for sharing this fantastic event with us.

Kim said...

Oh my stars he is just adorable!
Congrats on this special day!
Praising Him from Hong Kong,

Tonya Brown said...

So amazing is right! He is gorgeous and a perfect fit... God is so good. Those eyes were well worth the wait; happy to finally see his face! What a blessing..

Anonymous said...

Welcome to our family Carson. We are so happy to have you join the 17 other grandkids we have. We fell in love with your darling face in December and are so glad everyone can see it now. Happy Adoption Day little grandson.

Gram and Gramps West

Chris, Tammy and the gang! said...

Yay!!! What a little cutie!

Missy @ finding bright spots said...

Congratulations!!! What a contagious smile!

Adeye said...

Oh my goodness gracious, friend, could he possibly be any cuter than he is???? Impossible :) What a treasure you have been blessed with. My heart is rejoicing with you tonight. Praising God for His faithfulness to your family.

He is soooooooo good!

stacy said...

Congratulations to you and your family! You are truly blessed!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! How nice to finally see his beautiful little face!

Hilltrain said...

Oh, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!!!!

Kelli said...

I've been waiting for this post!!! WOOHOO!!! What a doll...God bless!!!

Sophie said...

What a beautiful face, he's adorable! Congratulations, you have a beautiful family.

Tara said...

A precious boy with a smile like sunshine! You are changing hearts one blog post at a time.

Unknown said...


You sure are good at surprises!!

My goodness, he is BEAUTIFUL...what a blessing.


darci said...

oh yay yaya yay!! congratulations! and big hugs. :) darci

Kristy said...

How wonderful! What a handsome lil' fella!!! :) Congrats to your beautiful family

jajbs said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! he is PRECIOUS- as is your entire family! God is SO faithful and this is such exciting news!


Hannah said...

WHOOHOO!!! Congratulations!!! I know what it is like to wait and wait, and I am so excited that your wait is over.

Welcome, Carson!

Dawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! He's precious!!!

Lisa H. said...

Carson is just beautiful, and I'm so glad he's yours. It encourages me to see the good things that God brought following a painful time for you, as now I'm the one going thru the pain....

Holding on to faith in Jesus~!

Lisa H.

Lorraine, AKA Forever Blessed said...

CONGRATULATIONS to all of you! We love you and are so privileged to know you. So grateful God brought you into our lives. Carson is precious, as you know first-hand. God is the giver of the most glorious gifts. Praise Him, praise Him!!!
PS LOVE the new blog photo!!! :-) Hope to see y'all soon, friend!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to all of your lives (including the adorable Mr. Carson)! Congratulations to all of you.

Lucy said...

Congratulations!!!! As soon as I saw the photo heading I thought, at last!!! You must be so happy.
He's just as beautiful as all your kids, and so lucky as you're so lucky to have him. Love, Lucy (all the way from Spain)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amy, that was AWESOME! He is soooooo precious! Congratulations and thanks for sharing! Love you guys!

Angel said...

YAY CARSON!!!!!!! You are OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!! You are such a treasure. Love you guys! Angel

Angel said...

Ok. I just watched all 8 minutes and 58 seconds. I'm not gonna lie... I got teary. The songs you chose were perfect for him. I love you like crazy friend. Angel

Bethany said...

Congratulations!!!! He is adorable, what a cute little guy!

Danell said...

Amy, Do you ever speak at any churches?

Unknown said...

Congratulations Block Family!

birthMOM said...

he is so beautiful! congratulations!