Almost 7 years ago, after bringing home our first adopted daughter from Guatemala, God started to really work in our lives. After seeing what we had seen, it became impossible for us to continue living the way we had before. Thank God.
Todd and I were both aware that the Lord was making changes in our lives that needed to be made. We were resistant at first, because change is never easy- even when it's much needed.
At that point we had no idea that the future would hold 4 more adopted children- but one thing we did know was that God was asking us to surrender completely to Him and His will for our lives. For us, that meant saying good-bye to our old selves, our old ways, changing our priorities and walking away from our desire to live the American Dream.
And it was hard.
Truthfully, it was all we had ever known. All we really ever wanted. I don't think I even knew any better and I truly believed that 'things' were what would make us completely happy. We had fallen for the lie that to be successful in this world you had to display your success in the form of a big house, a new automobile and kids that were picture perfect. We wanted to look the part, act the part and be the part.
For awhile after God called us- we performed the balancing act. We would allow God 'some' of our life- while still clinging to bits and pieces of our former life that we valued the most. The bits and pieces that we felt for certain we must have misunderstood God asking us to surrender. But God is not a half way God. So He patiently waited as we slowly began to let go of the grip we had on those things we had once held so dearly. We began to let go of our old lives and move onto the new... The new us that many people didn't recognize anymore. The new us that people questioned. The new us that looked a whole lot different than the old- which was exactly what was needed.
After a period of time, we sold our dream home, moved from Indiana to Texas and became sold out for Christ.
We bought a much small house that needed a lot of tender loving care to become a home. But the price was right and it was the perfect property to raise children.
As we have welcomed more children into our home one by one- God has faithfully provided everything we needed to make room for each and every blessing. Our once 3 bedroom house now has 6 bedrooms thanks to a lot of hard work and friends who have come beside us. Our home is not fancy and new- but it's comfortable and safe. God knew it would be the perfect place where our kids could
After a period of time, we sold our dream home, moved from Indiana to Texas and became sold out for Christ.
We bought a much small house that needed a lot of tender loving care to become a home. But the price was right and it was the perfect property to raise children.
As we have welcomed more children into our home one by one- God has faithfully provided everything we needed to make room for each and every blessing. Our once 3 bedroom house now has 6 bedrooms thanks to a lot of hard work and friends who have come beside us. Our home is not fancy and new- but it's comfortable and safe. God knew it would be the perfect place where our kids could

What a beautiful story. God is always faithful and provides for all our needs once we surrender to HIm. He is truly an awsome God!
LOVE it!
Praying for a home for our family. Do NOT want to have a large mortgage. So want to have more money available to give more, to do more for others, to send to more missionaries.
No need for a fancy house. Just need room for all of our beds and for all of our homeschooling books. :) We, too, just want a safe place for our kids to grow, to thrive, to heal. Well said.
LOVE you!
PS: Plans are in place for an August trip to Texas. Hoping to see your beautiful family again.
I am new to your blog but love your pictures and stories...since I am new I would love to hear how God brought each child into your family...foster/int'l, etc. What a beautiful family... :D
very encouraging post.
I don't think we can , as the Body of Christ, remind one another and encourage one another enough in this area. Bombarded with the opposite message of more is better, day after day, even the more seasoned Christians can fall prey to seeking the comfort zone and never wanting to leave it. I really believe this is how Satan has us in this country. We are naturally lovers of self and,sadly, this has become the American Way of life.
ps-Help us to remember , Lord, that you never even had a home on Earth.
I love it when you share your heart, friend, you have such a beautiful way with words.
I am soooooooo with you!
How wonderful to hear that the Father has taken care of your every need, He is so good.
Beautiful and heartfelt post. We would love to downsize our house, too, as we are slowly moving away from the "American Dream." But in this economy, it would definitely take God's hand!
God wrote the same story for us! We have changed drastically from the inside out and LOVE the new life we are living!
Love you so much Amy! Praising God for bringing you into my life!
Oh and the children photos PRECIOUS!!!!!!
Loved this post. My husband and I have been reading a lot of books about the great needs in this world--and-WOW-it is so convicting. We were just talking last night how we really need to start evaluating our priorities and making changes. Your post was an encouragement! :)
Love, love, love your photos and way of thinking! We also live in a VERY old house that has taken lots of TLC, but we can afford it. Many days I think I would like a new home, but then am reminded that this one is in my budget and has more than enough room. Amy, send me an email if you get a chance and let me know what part of TX you are in:
This is so good for us to hear...I asked Josh last night how many children he's thinking we'd like, and he said 7-8. Families that have that many, he said, have so much joy and never regret it! So we're praying about when to make the next move. Maybe two at a time again from Ethiopia. Love you guys and love your awesome family!
So's hard to begin thinking "differently" than what this world says, but it's HUGE for us & for generations to come. It hit me the other day that our children learn so much just from the choices we make... Kade was in desperate need of some mesh shorts, so he tried on 2 sizes. He opted for the bigger ones b/c "they would last him longer" (his reasoning). Sweet boy!
Love the pictures!
What a beautiful post. Some day I would love to hear the details of your story. I love hearing how God has completely changed a life and the process that people go through to get to the other side.
Your words are so true! We are asked all the time now how we can possibly be thinking of adding three more to our family when we are already on a tight budget in a small home...our answer is that everything we need (materially)will be provided and we already have the most important thing, LOVE!
You totally traded UP girl :)
First time commenting. Your children are all just so beautiful! We are waiting to adopt for the first time. We have two children and are yearning for number 3. I love seeing your family and hearing of the changes you've made. Very inspriring!
I love this post. Thank you so much for sharing the story He wrote for your lives...
Thank you for sharing this. I needed it today
Beautiful post, Amy!!!
Love the pictures!
Why is it that every time I read your blog, I weep?
Thank you for this post:-)
I think you are living the American Dream. Well, as the founders would have defined it. They simply wanted people to be able to live in freedom to worship God without the gov't telling them which church to belong to, and to have the freedom to go as far as your imagination, determination, faith, and abilities will allow you to go. You are doing that. It's not about houses, cars, fancy vacations, or lot's of money in the bank. It's the freedom to live out the vocation that God has called you and your family to.
You are living the dream! God Bless You and thank you for your many insightful and thought-provoking posts.
We are soooo there! When we bought this house we had 3 kids and thought we had done "our part" with 1 adoption. Now we're on the 4th adoption. We are trying to sell our house to have more money for our own adoptions, or helping other families to adopt. We have found a perfect "things are cheaper in the country" house....but no one has even looked at our house. Please pray with us for God's perfect timing!
Thank you for this post. This is exactly along the lines my heart is pondering right now. I am so much searching for what it looks like to be "set apart" and to really "Love our neighbors as ourselves".
Love this post! AMEN!!!! We are sooo with you :)
precious pictures!
Beautiful post! You yard looks just like ours (in Texas, too). :)
Precious and OH SO TRUE!!
You have blessed me...
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