Another weekend to face with still no concrete answers for our future... I wonder what you are doing, if you are happy, content? I picture you toddling around in feetie pajama's this morning asking for your milk... I wish more than anything I could be there holding you. I can't see what the future holds- but I rest in the fact that God can. He knows. He cares. And He loves you even more than I can even fathom. As hard as it is to wait... I am thankful that we can both rest in our Saviors arms as He works out every detail of our lives.
Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8
Lord, I know that I do not have to fear the 'whatever' or 'whenever' in my live because I trust YOU to determine how the paths of my life and sweet 'E's will shake out. You have ordained our destinations- Your will for our lives is perfect. Help me to be patient and to wait for your perfect timing... for your perfect will. There are lessons to be learned even in this temporary pain- help me to see them and grow from them. Help me to be more like you. I love you Lord. Thank you for letting me rest in you. Please watch over Sweet 'E'.
What a cute little guy. I will make a prayer for you that he will be with you soon.
Oh Amy, I'm just dying over here waiting for some news. Nandini's future hubby needs to be with your family NOW! (Obviously, patience is not my strong point). Let us know as soon as you hear something!
I sure hope we hear soon. I am holding my breath with you friend. He is a treasure. In my heart he is yours. Angel
I'm praying for you Amy. He would be such a blessing and also so blessed to have you for a Mommy! Sarah
Oh Amy, I hope your heart can rest soon and you hear SOMETHING! He is such a sweetheart and what a perfect place he would fill in your family. Here's hoping....
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