Last week was our spring break so we took a road trip to meet up with some family and friends and do some support raising for missions. It was such a precious time of making new friends and seeing old. A time of getting to share our story (how we became a family of 11 and how the Lord called us to Guatemala) as well as hearing how the Lord is working in others lives as well. It was a long drive with 7 kids in tow- and while Havyn was not exactly thrilled about being in a car seat for 15 hours straight- all of our kids did an amazing job (despite making 3,491 bathroom stops).
I just wanted to say thank you to our amazing supporters- for your hospitality, your sacrifices, your encouragement and most importantly your example. There is no way we could do what the Lord has called us to do without you- and we are so thankful to have you in our lives.
Raising support for missions, we are learning, is not for the weak. But what I love is how the Lord has blessed us with so many people who know this- but stand beside us and hold us up when we can't do it on our own (you guys know who you are). I am so thankful for your encouragement, your prayers and for the way you so boldly go before us. We did nothing to deserve friends and family like you- and yet God blessed us with the most precious gift in this world- you.
I just wanted to say thank you to our amazing supporters- for your hospitality, your sacrifices, your encouragement and most importantly your example. There is no way we could do what the Lord has called us to do without you- and we are so thankful to have you in our lives.
Raising support for missions, we are learning, is not for the weak. But what I love is how the Lord has blessed us with so many people who know this- but stand beside us and hold us up when we can't do it on our own (you guys know who you are). I am so thankful for your encouragement, your prayers and for the way you so boldly go before us. We did nothing to deserve friends and family like you- and yet God blessed us with the most precious gift in this world- you.
Thank you doesn't begin to cut it- so I just hope you know you mean the world to us.
Be sure to check out my "shout out" to you and your missions work www.oureducationaljourney.blogspot.com. We are becoming a missions minded family.
Thank you sweet friend for sharing His-story with us and allowing us to stand by your side through it all!
I love you so!!!!! you make my heart smile!
Who would also have to stop 3,918 times with 9 children in tow for the potty - YIKES! LOL!
I wouldn't want to be in a car with 7 kids for that long, but we are sure glad you didn't mind :)
Hi, God is good! I'm a teacher and was hunting for a teacher blog that was supposed to have a contest (another blogging teacher posted about it but not the link) the original blogger just said that Building Blocks was having a contest, so I googled building blocks blog and found yours! God has been working on my heart regarding adpotion. I do not see that He is leading my family toward adoption, but in doing something...still trying to figure out what that something is! I do believe He's leading me to share about the cause of the orphans with our church. I'm trying to learn more. I have closely followed the Chapman family the last few years. I really liked your video and was wondering, is something that may be shared in my church, if God moves in that direction? I only read some things on your blog, but I plan to mark it as a favorite!
In Christ,
Nancy Wilson
WOW. All the little ones in the car and you made such few potty breaks??? I am impressed.
Praying for your family.
Ah, reminds me of fun road trips with our crew and some of our foster kiddos! Awesome. (-:
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