Monday, March 28, 2011

What is the best part of being in a big family you ask?

Having your own cheering section of course!!

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Unknown said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

So precious :-D

hugs and love!

Dardi said...

Agreed!!! We have pictures of the kids with t-shirts they made for Kade during his baseball tourney. It was one of Kendi's bmom's favorite pictures when she was looking at our profile...I included it in the section where I spoke of us being a large family!

Andrea Hill said...

That's right! Go Block Family:)!!!

Amber said...

THE LOVE!!!! That's the best part-which is why they cheer! :)

Love your's super amazing. And honestly, BEAUTIFUL!


Bethany @ Our 4 Sons Plus 1...Super Cute Girly Girl said...

Love that!!

Anonymous said...

Too Cute!!!

James 1:27 Family said...

Amy Block, you rock! I love this. And I love you!

Lexi said...

oh my goodness...this is so awesome!! haha love it! so jealous that you guys are in shorts and t-shirts! It's freezing here!!

xoxo Lexi

Angie said...


Much love,
Future Mama

Adeye said...


Too darn sweet for words.

Reba said...

You can't go wrong with a cheering section like that! Love it!

Debbie Doughty said...

Go team! I've had you on my mind. My husband has been in Guatemala the past couple of weeks. His friend owns property there and they have been working on building a children's Bible school and retreat for pastor's on it.

The Stanphill Family said...

My wife and I just had our first baby six months ago, and we are currently praying about adopting a child from China. Bring on the big family!

My Thoughts said...

It is so cute to see how much your children enjoy each other. I'm sure they have squabbles like all other children do, but the love seems to always be there. Awesome! I can't wait to see pics of all of you living for God's glory in Guatemala.

Intentional Living Homestead said...


Julie said...

Aww, that is so cute!

Laurel said...

LOVE it!

We love being the biggest cheering section at all of our kid's spring sports. This year we have 2 running on track teams and 4 playing on baseball teams.

We made t-shirts with photos of Ben on them, for his State Meet in Track last year. So fun to have 10 matching fans cheering him on.

Blessings to you all,


Rachel H. said...

They aren't the only ones who have a cheer squad, cheering for siblings! I'm so supportive, I think I may even get annoying! Wow! The fun of baseball! :))
