Sometimes, we believe He isn't talking to us.
Sometimes, we figure someone else will do it.
Sometimes, we blow it off as someone elses responsibility.
But what if... God meant for you to do it?
As we were talking to someone the other day about support for our mission work we heard the all to common comment of 'go ask this church- or go ask that church'.
But what I sometimes think we forget is WE ARE THE CHURCH.
And often times we use the church as our excuse to not have to do what we are called as individuals to do.
We hide behind the title 'the church' and forget the church is made up of individual Christ followers who are all to do their own part.
Because after all, He is a personal God.
Personal to me- and personal to you.
While the church as a whole is powerful enough to knock out the orphan crisis- it's going to take all of us to do our part to make it happen- or it never will.
And yet all too often we sit and we wait...
For someone else to take care of the problem...
For someone else to give...
For someone else to serve...
For someone else to do something about it...
And we excuse ourselves of our individual responsibility.
When perhaps He was talking to us all along...
In the past I have talked a lot on my blog about our ties to money- and what the Lord has been teaching us. As we are raising funds for missions, more than ever before, our eyes are being opened to our cultures connection to the almighty dollar.
And more than ever before- I see how clearly it is the one thing that is bringing us, as a nation, down.
Our love for things...
and our love of self...
Over our love for Him.
I came across this picture the other day and I felt like someone punched me in the gut. I wondered how someone could just look the other way and go on without doing something to help?

But then it hit me..
Aren't we, in essence, doing this exact thing when we- choose that $6.00 latte over giving to missions?
When we choose to take a family vacation instead of giving our tithe?
Choose to have a pedicure over sponsoring a child in need?
Choose to look the other way as the homeless man sits on the corner begging for our help?
Choose a bigger house over adopting a child?
Choose to do nothing- when we could do something?
Choose not to respond.
Roman 14:12 tells us "Each of us will give an account of himself to God."
Belonging to a church isn't enough.
Each one of us, individually, are accountable to God for what we have done for the poor, the helpless, the widow and the orphan.
I once heard someone say the only thing worse than being lost- is being lost and knowing there is no one looking for you. As the body of Christ I believe the Lord is calling each one of us- as individuals- to open our eyes and LOOK. Look for the need and act.
Take it personal-
Because He does.
I just got REALLY uncomfortable looking at that picture. That means I'm not doing enough, as I sit here with guilt washing over me.
Thank you for allowing the Lord to you YOU to wake me up!
Oh, Amy! As I read the post and saw the photo I had just finished stuffing myself at dinner. It certainly made me sad to think how much we have on our worst day! Praying God continues to use you to wake up the church. You are truly being used as His hands and feet! Preach on!
I totally agree with what you have written. I hear your heart. I am guilty, but forgiven. Over the past 5 or 6 years God has completely turned our world upside down and inside out. And I am thankful He did...I choose HIM over me. Sometimes it is harder than others but I still MUST choose HIM and HIS plan and HIS purpose for my life and especially our finances. My prayer is more people would TOTALLY surrender. Don't get me wrong...I have not "arrived" but I press on seeking Jesus.
I just had goose bumps as I read what you wrote. Because what you wrote is something God continues to place on my heart, and something I continue to ride out. I think we're doing our best, but I see pictures like that and know our best is not good enough... and that we are not doing our best.
Thank you for giving me the push I needed tonight.
Thank you for your boldness. Your words are true and Gods been using so many things like this to radically change my view of money. We were not given the abundance we all have to spend it on ourselves. I also don't think just giving it to our "church" is the answer because so much of that money is just spent on ourselves. We need to be sacrificing to give more and give to specific causes and people in my opinion.
Beautifully said and praying for those coming here to read this today!
Love you,
Well, this is being printed out & put on the fridge! I know I am still learning & growing (hopefully always will be), but I also know that I am changing. We just recently had the opportunity for that bigger house, & all I could think was that the money it would take from our income tax return would mean not having the bulk needed to adopt again, & I felt a deep sense of grief. In the past, we would have said, "Oh, we can make that happen b/c that's what WE want." While we could definitely use more elbow room, we've surrendered it to the Lord along with what He might be calling us to do. Thanks for the encouragement. Love you much!!
I love this post. I was just talking to a friend about how our lives and perspectives have changed once God woke us up to the needs around us. I really struggle sometimes to know what is ok to have and what is not. We give a lot but I still have so much more than those I give to. I suppose I always will, but weighs on my heart.
as usual Amy.... wow!!!! Thanks for speaking TRUTH!!!!... I love it. I need this reminder ..... Amen!!!
Thank you for this!
WOW- AMEN! Beautifully written! Thank you for your Truth-filled posts. All of them. You have touched more people than you know by not only what you write, but more importantly by how you LIVE. The Lord is glorified by this!
AMEN sister! Lord - give us your eyes to see and your heart to serve!
OUCH. And amen. Wow.
Amy, you are right on the money.:) Thank you. Your posts are always used by the Lord to continue encouraging, challenging, and speaking to me about how to live Jesus everyday. God bless! I am definitely linking this if that's ok with you! I know others will be blessed as well.
Isn't it so crazy when we start paying attention to the pennies how quickly they add up to dollars. I am guilty of my selfish pleasures... and I know that altHough I try I could always do more!!! Thanks!
thanks for posting this. a-mazing! We also have 4 bio kids and are in the process of adopting from ET. I am soo excited about what the Lord is doing in our hearts. After reading this post, I have decided, I need to get on a plane NOW and get over there... to do whatever it is I can do to make a difference. What a journey the Lord has us on. He clearly is breaking my heart for things that break His...
Beautifully said, Friend.
Thank you, Amy.
You have got balls my friend! I love that you let God speak through you no matter how uncomfortable it makes you or anyone else! Love to you all!
So true, we are all called to be God;s hand and feet. That picture is HEART BREAKING.
Thank you all so encouraing!
bold truth, thank you.
I just stumbled upon your blog (and honestly can't tell you how I got here - ding! ding! ding! b/c God got me here!) and this is beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you for this. You may never know how many people will be forever changed because of it.
What a powerful message! Praying hearts are changed. Myself included:)
wow, that picture really hit family is struggling, but God Knows,we are not starving!
YES YES YES - GO, AMY. Bring it. Pass the glory overhead to Jesus. And keep walking.
I'm just going to add another AMEN to this!
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