We have met the neatest people and we have been so blessed by their example of love for the least of these~ and more importantly love for the Lord. We feel so incredibly humbled by those who have stepped forward to be on our team because they understand that missions are God’s plan- and we are grateful for each and every one of them.
I was talking to a friend the other day and she told me what a privilege it was for her to be a sender- and it stopped me dead in my tracks. You see, when God first called us into full time missions- I almost let the fear of raising support stop us. The thought of having to ask people for financial support made me cringe- and I wasn’t sure I could do it. We spoke to friends, sought advice and prayed like crazy. Through it all we sensed the Lord saying trust me.
So we stepped out in faith, with our knees wobbling and butterflies in our stomach...
The Lord has taught us so much about who He is through our support raising. I believe He wanted to strip us of our pride- of our self-sufficient attitude -so we can see clearly how often we are guilty of relying on our own strengths and abilities- over His.
It has been a beautiful to witness His people putting Him and His mission as a top priority in their lives. It has been beautiful to see the body of Christ in action.
Missions are a group effort. God planned it that way. If you know about the Lord today it is because of missions. It is because another Christians along the way shared the Lord with you. But for many, this is not the case. While God may have called our family to Guatemala to serve- He has called each one of us to care for orphans, and each one of us to share the good news.
We invite you to partner with us as we partner with the Lord caring for the least of these and giving them hope in Him.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at block amy at hot mail dot com.
Tax deductible giving can be made at:
Commission To Every Nation
Todd and Amy Block
P.O. Box 291307
Kerrville, TX 78029-1307
Online giving here
Thank you so much for your support!!
Beautiful video Amy. I recently spoke directly to our state senator's aid who called people at the U.S. state department to find out if any progress is being made in Guatemalan adoptions. Sadly the news is that Guatemalan adoptions are closed indefinitely, it breaks my heart.
God bless you and your family for stepping out in faith, I think it's amazing what you're doing! I will be joining you one day soon God willing.
Amy, I absolutely love the video. Precious. So thankful for families like yours who are trusting the Lord and being a good example for others "in word and deed". Can I post this video? I feel some people from my church might possibly partner with you guys if they saw it. Praying for you as you trust Him in the fundraising.
Just like they told us in a sermon not to long ago: you can go, you can send or you can disobey. God Bless :)
Awesome video. Your kids are the cutest :) Praying for you guys!
Will be sharing your beautiful family tomorrow! Love you Amy and so glad to be parterning with you as you fully OBEY AND TRUST in God!
Praying and partnering with you,
Love the video and love you!!! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as you start this journey!!!
I love this blog and the video..I have 2 daughters born in Guatemala, and will be traveling myself and another Mom in late May-June to visit and work at an orphanage outside Antigua...cannot wait to see where God is leading me,but also going to start an organization to help different orphanages and children, would love to know more about where you will be when moving to Guatemala to help as well..
LOVE your video!!! I'm so excited to follow your blog and see what God is doing in your lives- amazing! I will be praying!!!!
AMAZING!!! This is just incredible Amy!!! I would love to support your family!!! I'm going to have a family meeting with the hubby tomorrow and find a way to join your team! This is just AMAZING!
great video.... I'm sure we could have a long talk about fundraising ;)))) .... the ups and the downs.... so glad God is showing Himself to you through this. Please know I'm part of your team... so excited for you guys. btw... do ya'll have a prayer card for me to hang on my fridge? If so, let me know... kellykenli@gmail.com
Amy, I wrote a blog post about Goers and Senders and how we need each other! ~ http://followingthelamb-whereverhegoes.blogspot.com/2010/11/goers-and-senders-we-need-each-other.html ~ I will be praying for your family!! God bless!
I just came across your awesome blog from Jill's blog and I am going to add you to a feeder. I will be praying for you and your family. I can't wait to show your blog to one of my daughters when she gets home from work soon.
She has had a heart for missions since 5 and adoption since she was 12. She will freak out about all your kids, like she does Jill's and then again because she is in her early 20's and not on her mission trip yet. (Big one) and doesn't have at least 5 adopted kids from various places by now. :) ( Can she pray for a husband too. lol) Just wanted to share, keep her in your prayers.
Laura's mom
Amy I just noticed that the mailing address is located in Kerrville. I don't know if you know but that is where we live. Is Commission to Every Nation located here? If you are in this area, CALL me!!
What a great video. So neat to see a family--every member--embracing God's call in your life as a family unit.
Beautiful video. The little voice saying, "in you ther orphan finds mercy" has been singing in my heart all week.
Just beautiful! Love what God is doing in and through your family.
I love the way your husband is looking at you when you are talking. It's super sweet.
Amy.. I would love to be a part of your team.. I did adoptions down in Guatemala for 6 months before they closed in May of 2008. I miss Guatemala and all of my friends that I made while I was down there.. If you need anything or help with anything please let me know.. my email is adw4376 at gmail dot com.. I hope to hear from you.. I really loved your video and it made me cry..
April White
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