One of my greatest gifts as a mother is watching my kids discover who they are... trying on different ‘hats’ so to speak. Finding their strengths and even their weaknesses. Growing comfortable with who they are- coming face to face with the exact person God made them to be.
Every day, every experience, is a part of our story. Some of those experiences will be good, others will hurt. And yet still, combined they become a part of who we are and who we are to become...
The truly amazing thing about discovering who we are is that it never stops. We are constantly changing and growing in ways we can never predict. Who we were five years ago is not necessarily who you are today. And who you are right now is not necessarily who you will be in five years. But one thing remains constant- along the way, God has been doing very specific things inside of us to help us become the person who He created us to be...
After all, for us, this is a journey of discovery for us...
He has a purpose just for you …
I love this post, Amy. You are so right...be yourself! We can waste so much time trying to impress people or hide who we are. Life is too short for that! :)
Beautiful. Thanks for reposting. So glad not to miss out on these truths!
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
Love the pics & the message behind it.
I cannot tell you what this post has meant to me...but let's just say it was needed this morning!
Also, your previous post "mission accomplished", stirred in me things that I needed to read today...it's amazing how when we feel a certain way, God comes in and brings people, scripture and speaks to my soul just when I needed it most.
Thank you so much!
Someone mentioned your blog on The Blog Frog when I asked for good adoption blogs :) I've recently started a blog of my own as my husband and I begin the adoption process to our 4th child (first 3 were also old-fashioned way!), and am doing a post on good adoption blogs. My blog is mostly to journal my thoughts and everything for myself, but also in case anyone needs a reference, or trying from beginning to figure what to do! So much information overload!!!
Thank you!
And let me know if you would prefer me to remove your blog link!!
Loved it the first time and say AMEN! again!
Love you Amy!
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