If you haven't heard of Lifesong for Orphans http://www.lifesongfororphans.org/ than trust me- you don't know what you are missing. They are near and dear to my heart and I absolutely love their work and what they stand for. Trust me, these people are the real deal- and they share the same passions you and I do- helping families bring orphans HOME. They offer adoption loans and grants and the best part- they are totally founded on Christian principals. I am actually working towards setting the up the Pass It Forward Adoption Fund to work along side of them- what a privilege.
Right now Lifesong for orphans is partnering with Gobena coffee and 100% of the profits are being reinvested in the lives of orphan children through charity programs.
Yep, I said 100 percent.
That is how these people roll- they are amazing.
So if you are trying to come up with an awesome gift for someone- check them out. http://www.gobena.org/proj.html
Helping orphans and fantastic coffee- does it get any better than that?
Thanks for sharing! I'm passing this along.
Hi Amy! I forgot to tell you how the story that is posted on my blog, helped another family. A few weeks ago, a family emailed me and told me how they read the story (your story) and now they are planning on adopting...have a referral of an older child. Amazing! Thought you would be blessed to know.
That is so amazing! Thank you for sharing!!!!!! I have been praying for a way to bring our third child home for almost 3 years and I believe Jesus has recently shown me how He is going to do it... I am making and selling 3,000 bracelets to raise the funds to bring Isabella home. But we will still be a few thousand dollars short and I am thankful for organizations such as this that help families get their little ones home.
Thank you for helping a precious child by helping their family come up with the money to bring them home.... May God bless you,
Drink Coffee, Help Orphans - it matches my new blog design. Can't help but love it! ;) Thanks for sharing! :) (By the way, your 'new' blog design is lovely. Can't remember if I commented on that awhile back.)
Keep advocating... love how you are being a voice for the voiceless!
Love it Amy... you're the best!
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