Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Birthday boy!!

So much to be thankful for today- this precious little guy of ours turned 3 years old today! Happy Birthday my sweet, amazing Kaden- I love you with my entire heart! The day you walked into our lives changed us in so many ways. We could not be more blessed.

Birthdays at this age are so magical and so much fun. We have a tradition at our house- we sneak into the birthday child's room when they are sleeping and throw balloons all over their floor so when they wake up in the morning that is the first thing they see. The kids love it. :0)

Kaden was so excited this morning when he woke up. He kept yelling "I am THREE!!" So cute! He also requested a Spiderman cake and wanted a Buzz Lightyear outfit and Buzz doll for his birthday. His brothers and sisters surprised him with a big wheel.

Today we will celebrate with friends at the McDonalds play place and tonight we will be having his spiderman cake and of course his favorite meal- hot dogs for dinner.

Life is so sweet- especially when you are THREE. :0)

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Dardi said...


My Kade turns *10* on Sunday...must be something with the name--He LOVED Spiderman, too.

Have a happy, happy day!

Squeezers ~ Your Friends in Ohio :o)

Karin said...

Happy Birthday, little man! I love the picture of him playing with his balloons. Oh, the JOY on his face! It made me smile. :)

Shonni said...

He is so cute!!! What fun it looks like he had.

darci said...

happy birthday little man!!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Kaden! What priceless photos! Love the birthday balloon tradition.
Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,

Holly said...

I love this little heartbeat of yours. Thanks for sharing a little bit of who he is with us!
God has big plans for this little guy!
Happy Birthday!

Laurel said...

Looks like FUN ... for a family that needed a little FUN this week.

praying for you!


Renea Lynch said...

Lovin' the whole Spidey family! LOL :) What an awesome day!

BTW... you were one of our featured bloggers last week! Check it out!

Bill and Christina said...

Happy Birthday!

JG said...

How fun! My brother had a Buzz outfit just life that at his age :) Happy Birthday Kaden!

natali said...

Awww!! He's such a sweetie :)) Happy 3rd bday, Mr. Kaden! :))

Joy said...

Happy birthday Kaden - what a handsome and joyful little man!

Leah Wentzel said...

so adorable!

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

Adorable! Love the idea of balloons in the bedroom.....hmm....might steal that. What an age to be....what a blessing to get to be the mom & dad of a child that age. We love it too!!! Blessings Kaden!

Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Kaden! That's a precious picture of him playing with the balloons. Very happy boy. Love that family of yours :)

Unknown said...

What a fun tradition!

Oh he looks so happy!


Happy Birthday Kaden!

Hugs and much love Amy!

Unknown said...

You know I thought he was cute the first time I ever laid eyes on him before he was even a thought of being yours. He looks so happy and even more adorable!

Live to love and laugh said...

Happy Birthday Kaden. Mom and Dad are so lucky they can celebrate this day with such a handsome three year old.

whenpigsfly said...

Happy Birthday Kaden!! What fun photos Amy ,and what a great tradition too. SUCH A CUTIE!

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

What an amazing blog with an amazing message!! Your family is so beautiful!!!

Andrea Hill said...

Happy Birthday Kaden!!!

trina said...

Hi Amy! How cool that you found my post..that you wrote. How did you find me? I saw this story on facebook. Go figure. Gives me chills that you saw it and realized it was your story. Very cool. I will soon do a post about finding the auther. :) Your children are beautiful!! Hugs to a new friend. trina

Jewels of My Heart said...

Happy Birthday Beautiful Boy!
What a wonderful Birthday tradition!

Andrea said...

LOVE it!!! Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

Had fun with you all yesterday. I especially loved all my hugs from the birthday boy!

darci said...

hi amy, i am taking my blog private so if you want to read :) could you email me your email address so i can add you? thanks! darci
mhovdestad at hotmail dot com

Jman's momma said...

OH MAN!!!! love that grin. Happy Birthday to one super little cutie patootie (he is still young enough to be call cute - my husband won't let me call Jman cute anymore hehehehehe)


Bethany said...

Happy Birthday to him! Three is such an absolutely fun age!!!!