Friday, May 15, 2009



GlitteryKitchenTable said...

I didn't know some of those people were adopted! Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed that, Amy! I knew some of them were adopted but some I did not!

Unknown said...

awesome video! i didn't realize all of them were adopted either. i knew some but that was really cool!

LOVE YOU - have a blessed weekend!

Stacey said...

Thanks for sharing that. What an awesome selfless act of those birth moms. Thank God they chose adoption and not the alternative.
God Bless you, Amy,

Doreen said...

VERY COOL..thanks for sharing this awesome video with us. hugs.

Tessa said...

I love that ... it gave me chills. What an amazing testimony to adoption.

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! Add me to that list! I was also!

Taylor said...

that is soo cool! I never knew all those people were adopted. Adoption is one of my biggest dreams. Thanks for sharing the video!!

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Really cool! Thanks for sharing this - now I'm off to pass it along . . .


Chantelle said...

Love it!!! :)