Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Tonight we will meet our beautiful new son for the first time at 6:00! I couldn't sleep a wink last night because I am so excited. Yesterday we had our adoption presentation with Kaden's caseworker, his previous caseworker who is in love with him (I can't say that I blame her) his attorney, the CPS supervisor, our caseworker and his foster mother. I absolutely adored them all. His foster mother though is most definitely a gift from God. This woman is amazing. She has been doing foster care for almost 30 years and she is just precious. I am so thankful for her and so thankful that she has been the one taking care of my baby boy. I know letting go of him will break her heart- but she chose to do it because she loved him so much. She felt she was getting too old to adopt a child his age. She told me as we were leaving that we were exactly what she had prayed for him. And because God is God and always blows me away- Kaden's foster family lives only 30 minutes from us!! 30 MINUTES! My baby has been just 30 minutes away from me this entire wait... and because the foster family only lives 30 minutes away I am hoping that we will forever be in contact with them. They are an amazing family and if I could be half the person his foster mother is one day I would be thrilled. It was so obvious how much she loves him and I am so thankful for that. She told me all kinds of cute stories about him and warned me to keep the bathroom doors shut because as Kaden just proved to them- a roll of Charmin can reach all the way from the bathroom to the kitchen without breaking. LOL She said he is a ball of personality and so much fun. Oh, and Todd was one proud daddy because she said he loves to watch sports on TV! Yep, Todd is in love. So tonight we will get to meet him for the first time, tomorrow we get to take him to lunch and play for a few hours, then Thursday he will come to our house to meet his new siblings for the first time and spend the entire day with us. Friday we will have him for the day and he will spend the night for the first time- then Saturday night he will go back to his foster family to spend his last day, Sunday (Easter) with them. Monday morning he moves into our home forever.
THANK YOU GOD for the exact way you orchestrated this adoption. As I look back now I can totally see how you arranged every single detail to fit into the exact order at the exact perfect timing. I am in awe. Thank you for allowing me the privilege of being this perfect little boys mommy. Thank you for his foster family, for the caseworkers involved and thank you God for the miracle of adoption. I am forever changed.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Celebrating with you! We are so happy for all of you! Have a great time tonight and keep us posted on how things are going! Heather

Sara said...

ooooh, I can't wait to hear all about him. I know you are so excited. What a blessing. Isn't it amazing how God works!! Have a wonderful time with that sweet boy:)

When I go to your blogand Paige is in the room, Paige always asks to count the kids (your kids pictures at the top). Soon, she will be able to count to 7...hooray.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Amy! I am in tears right now reading this. I am soooo excited for all of you! It is just amazing how God has put all of this together! We will be thinking about you the next few days and praying that everything goes smoothly! Update us when you can!

Recovering Noah said...

I'm so excited for you all!!! I can't wait to hear all about it - but I know you're going to be super busy this week. I'm going to have to write down your schedule on my calendar. :-)

Can't wait to see pictures. Can't wait for you to meet him!! I just can't wait!


Live to love and laugh said...

I am so thrilled for you. God has blessed you. I will be checking frequently this weekend in hopes you will have time to post some pictures of the family together.
I am also praying Kaden's transition will be smooth and painless for him and his new family.

Anonymous said...

Oh Amy, I just read this and am so excited for all of you. Can't wait to hear all about your first meeting. What an exciting few days you have ahead of you. Praying for sweet Kaden.
