"The Lord bless you for showing this kindness... May the Lord now show you kindness and faithfulness, and I too will show you the same favor because you have done this." 2 Samuel 2:5-6
Yesteray I went to Ladies Bible study at my church and was totally surprised by what these precious woman had done. They pulled together and showered us with these beautiful gifts for Kaden. There are no words to say how incredibly blessed we feel by the kindness they have shown us. I think of Kaden and how he came into this world with such a rough start- and yet now how so many people have stepped forward to show him he has great value. They haven't even met him yet and already they are showing their unconditional love and support that could only come from God. These woman have been such an inspiration to me- the way they live their lives and how they stand strong in their faith. When I signed up for bible study that day I had no idea what an impression they would make on me. They are true examples of the Godly women I pray one day to be. I treasure your friendships and I thank God for putting you in my life. I cannot thank you all enough for the beautiful clothing, baby bed, car seat, diapers, hooded towel, shoes, photo album, keepsake box, pajama's and more that you have given to us. But most of all- I thank you for your love and for the ways you have touched my life.
"I thank my God every time I remember you. " Philippians 1:3
WOW!!!! HOW SWEET!!!! What a precious group you have there. :0) Angel
You have my support all the way... thank you for being a great friend.
love brandy
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