Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dear sweet precious obedient children of mine,

The next time mommy asks you to please be nice and smile pretty for a picture and you decide you know better... it just may be used against you for the whole wide world to see. ;)

And one more thing you need to remember, I think you are absolutely adorable no matter what face you are making.:)

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Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS! Miss you guys!!! Only 6 more weeks!

Unknown said...

he he he! precious!

xoxo love you all!

Kylee said...

LOVE! What precious, precious kiddos you have. I wish I were there, serving right alongside y'all! I just admire your family and your ministry so much.

Hope y'all have a great weekend!

Lexi said...

haha i love it! :D

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...

He he he... :)

Hillbilly Rockin' Robin said...

Love what your family is doing for the Lord. I've followed your blog for a while as we adopted our son this past year. The Lord is still leading us on the great adventure and we say, YES LORD! We are making plans to move to Ghana, West Africa in the near future. (Your family's faith was a small piece of what God used to push us out of our comfort zone.) Thank you for stepping out of comfort and stepping into the mess...bringing His love and peace to others. Grateful for you!

Hillbilly Rockin' Robin said...

Love what your family is doing for the Lord. I've followed your blog for a while as we adopted our son this past year. The Lord is still leading us on the great adventure and we say, YES LORD! We are making plans to move to Ghana, West Africa in the near future. (Your family's faith was a small piece of what God used to push us out of our comfort zone.) Thank you for stepping out of comfort and stepping into the mess...bringing His love and peace to others. Grateful for you!

Sarah said...

LOL! I LOVE IT!!! You're WHOLE family is precious and I LOVE reading your blog!!