Today though I decided to drag my camera around with me all day so that our partners can see what we see and do because we are in this together. :)
Every morning we are greeted with this view... (isn't God amazing?)
and this view...
For now Mya, Aleigha, Kaden and Carson are going to the Christian school here on Eagles Nest property until noon- although soon they will be starting their homeschool curriculum. The school year here ends in October. (They go from the end of January to October). This is a picture of the outside of the school...
This is a picture of the kitchen in our new home...
This morning Felis, Claire, Addisyn and I had the privilege of going to visit 2 ladies who cook the food at the Manna Feeding program.
One of the cooks has been sick the past couple of days so we went to visit her and pray for her. She is so precious. It has been such an honor to work along side Felis and Claire- I am learning so much from both of these amazing women and I am so thankful for their examples. They have been such a gift to us in so many ways!!
This is the 2nd cook Dominga and her four beautiful children. Domingas husband was killed before her youngest son was born. She lives with her mother and beside her other relatives. There are 35 children between them all and they all live in the same area and help each other out.
When we asked Dominga if she was in need of anything the first thing she mentioned was shoes (those will be coming :) and the second was corn (to make tortillas) and beans. This is us outside of Domingas home when we dropped her her corn and beans.
These pictures are of the inside of her home.
Her kitchen...
The room where her and her four children sleep...
and the outside of her home...
More of her family...
(Yep, they need shoes too)
After our visit we hurry home to get the kids from school and head to the Manna Feeding Center where we serve as a family...
Todd and Pedro teaching the lesson...
and praying with the children...
After Manna is over we get news that we are getting a new 7 month old baby girl in the orphanage today, so we head over there to love on the children and meet our new little sweetie.
Introducing princess Dulce... she is such a doll baby!
And this is baby Lizzy (who was found in a garbage dump)... isn't she beautiful? She is such a sweetie.
Havyn with her buddy Florie... they crack me up together.
Pedro cutting the boys hair in the Children's home... the kids all adore him and his heart of gold. :) We are so blessed to work with the most amazing people in the world.
At the end of the day we head home to cook dinner (which is a lot more work here since you can not find most things we were used to cooking and everything is made from scratch) and to have some time together as a family.
So thankful for this day, for this opportunity to serve and for these beautiful people the Lord has put in our lives.
And to our partners... we are so thankful for each and every one of you who are doing your part so we can do ours. We appreciate you!!!
Amy those little girls are absolutely gorgeous.
What a stunning view you have, and I can't tell you how happy and inspired I am by you. Keep the stories and the pictures coming.
THANK YOU for those pictures. I loved this post and hearing what you are doing!
thanks for posting this! I just love it! Love all the beautiful pictures!
I hear you on the cooking. I make almost everything here from scratch now since I can't get it any other way and it was sure an adjustment when we first moved. It does get easier though!
Thanks for a glimpse into your day. So good to really see what you all are doing.
:) :) :)
Amazing day! Those kids are so sweet and the babies are yummy! Now that you are living in Guatemala, are you better able to keep your finger on the pulse of where adoption is headed? The country closed its doors to adoption (outside of the country) in the middle of 2008, I think. Any news that it will reopen?
Thank you for sharing your day.
Wow - it was great to catch a glimpse of your day. How are you girls Mya and Aleigha reacting to being back in their home country? Just curious! :)
This is too cool! I loved all of the pictures! It looks like God is really doing something bigger than life with you guys! =)
Love love love the update! And miss miss miss you so much!!
I think 2 blog posts a day will do the trick. Can you do that??
Love the photos! And just want to squeeze Dulce. The children are beautiful. You're beautiful. Everything's beautiful!
And did I already say I miss you??
Leslie =)
It’s great to see what a day looks like for ya’ll. Thanks for sharing it. Those babies look ADORABLE!!!
Oh those babies are precious! I wanted to ask you about shoes. My friend and I have so many barely worn shoes that we want to consider sending a large box even though I know it has to be expensive. Do you know who I would check with for rates? UPS?
What a wonderful day! Love to read your blog and see pictures of where my heart stays a lot. :) Keep up the good work. Hugs friend!
LOVE seeing God at work in your family and in your beautiful new home. God is SOO AMAZING!!!!
Thank you, Amy, for allowing us to see Guatemala through your eyes.
Trusting the Lord to use you mightily and bless you abundantly where He has planted you!
BEAUTIFUL update Amy! Thanks so much!:)
wonderful update! Thrilled to be able to see what a day looks like for you all! So excited for you and your family! Love you all!
That is SO cool!!...But also very sad at the same time!! I would love to be there!!
I love how you are a window for us to take a peak at your world in Guatemala, Amy! Thanks for giving us a glimpse of what we will experience, because ready or not, "here we come"! I'm so excited to come along side you and your family as you share the love of Christ with these precious people.
Vera W.
Thank you for sharing the photos and how your day went (that day anyway!). My heart hurts for all the orphans who could be adopted if only the country would open for adoption again.
Loved every photo and your heart shared with them.
We are so blessed to stand alongside of your family!
We love you and keep you before His throne of grace!
Amy,Amy I miss you so so much. Your whole family is just taking my breath away every single day.
What a wonderful way to spend your life!! I am constantly in awe of the beauty that comes with service!!
How does your orphanage run? Are any of the children there able to be adopted? If so, how does one inquire?
Thanks so much for allowing us a small glimpse of your life. The pictures were beautiful...such precious children. Praying for your family.
Loved this post so very much. Thanks for sharing about what you all are doing every day. It is SO amazing and God Bless what you and your family are doing. I'm praying for you all!
What a beautiful family you have and what an amazing work God is doing through you all. As a family who has just started the process of adopting our first and has a heart for ministry you are truly an inspiration! God can do amazing things through people who are willing to have extraordinary lives. Thank you for your post.
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