In David Platts book Radical he wrote: “We learned that orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
Boy did he ever hit the nail on the head. If it takes me the rest of my life I will advocate for these children letting others know they are out there, they have feelings, they have dreams and that they matter.
Eagles Nest orphanage is run strictly on donations. We provide holistic orphan care- raising the children as our own for as long as we have them in our home. They receive a Christian education, medical care, clothing, nutricious meals, and 24 hour care. They are read to, prayed with and tutored in their homework. We work with them to have them develop their God given talents and strengths- making them feel like they are special and that they belong in a family- even if it is bigger than most. :) But we can't do it without the financial support of others.
Over the course of the next few weeks I am going to be highlighting the children in our home in efforts to raise financial support for the children. Some of them have partial support already which is greatly appreciated, but we have a ways to go. If you are interested and would like to sign up to provide monthly support of $33 a month you can click here. We want for you to get to know the child you are supporting through monthly updates and more. :) Also, we would really appreciate it you could help us get the word out on facebook and blogs in efforts to raise enough adequate support.
Today I am going to highlight these five children... and there will be more to come. Thank you again for helping us, help them.
This is baby Alex. Alex is 5 months old and precious beyond words. He has the sweet lips and he loves to be snuggled.
Meet Dulce. Dulce is the newest child in the home. She is almost always smiling and when I pick her up she pats me on the back. She loves to have those sweet cheeks kissed! Dulce is 8 months old.
Meet Lizzy. :) I have shared Lizzy's story on here before. Lizzy was found in a heap of garbage when she was just a tiny baby. We don't know her exact birthday but she is around 9 months old. Everyone who meets Lizzy instantly falls in love.
Meet Raul. Raul takes his time warming up to people. The first couple years of his life were mosstly spent sitting in a corner all alone. He was severly malnourished when he arrived at Eagles Nest orphanage but since then he has come a long way. He is cautious of strangers but when he decides to trust you, you have a friend for life. Raul is 3 years old.
Meet Flori. Flori is 3 1/2 years old and has absolutely the sweetest personality. I adore her nonstop giggles and grins. Flori doesn't know a stranger and everyone who meets her instantly falls in love. When I asked Flori what her favorite thing to do was- she said 'eat'. :)
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. James 1:27
Are any of the kiddos in the prphage ever up for adoption? Thanks!
Oh my goodness. We can't yet, but we will sponsor soon. My heart is in Guatemala. We wanted to adopt from there when they closed the doors. Lord willing we will still be able to adopt from there one day.
VERY NEAR to my heart. As I have spent a lot of time in Guatemala. Our beautiful daughter was born there. I am in awe of the need in that country. Some of our very dearest friends are missionaries there and have been for about 10 years. Please know that I will be praying. Also praying and that adoption would be an option again one day soon.
Your words are so true... it really is different once you put your hands on them.... live with them.... love them. God loves to use these precious children to minister to our hearts... don't grow weary... your heart has been stirred so that you might stir others !!!! You are doing a fantastic job. Thank you for sharing your days with us. Each of you remain in our prayers... as do the children there. You are a blessing.
Such precious little ones. Our family was able to stay at an orphanage in Zacapa, Guatemala years ago. And we will never be the same. More than us blessing them....they blessed us. Thanks for sharing and expanding the God Heart and Kingdom Mindset for these little ones. May you be richly blessed. ~ jen
Precious! My heart breaks for them and every one of their precious faces! So thankful that our God is in control and that He has a plan for them! Hoping support, lots of support, is raised for these precious kids! Love you...thank you for being His hands and feet ~ for loving them and listening to their hopes and dreams!
Sweet :)
I don't know how I stumbled on your blog in the first place; however, I've been reading it for a while. I LOVE being able to read what you guys are doing in Guatemala. We have three beautiful daughters (6 yrs. old, and twin 5 yr. olds) all adopted from Guatemala. I've also always followed along on Eagle's Nest and have always wanted to go there! Our church takes a mission trip (that my husband and I both have been on) to GUA every year; however, we do medical clinics in the villages and there is never time to visit Eagle's Nest. When you posted about short-term mission trips, I told my husband that I would love for our family to do that when the girls get a little older. We are in the process of adopting again...domestic this time. Anyway, I am very interested in sponsoring a child...need to talk to hubby. I wanted to let you know that I just put your blog (hope you don't mind) on my facebook page...mentioning sponsoring. I used David Platt's quote (side note: I went to college and was friends with David Platt---he was awesome back then, too!! ;))! Anyway, thanks for sharing your life as you guys follow Him!! I know you don't know me, but I'm praying for your family!
Kristy Nelson
Are any of these precious little ones up for adoption!?! We are homestudy ready... And PRAYING!!!
Amy - Pack them up and send them to me....all five of them. Nathan says to send Addisyn as their chaperone. I think of your family almost everyday. I am going to put you on our prayer board in your own section and add the kids you post. Your family is by far the most amazing I have ever met. I am so honored to know you. Judy (mom to almost as many kids as you)
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