they hope they can wait another day.
While we wait for more money...
they wait with nothing.
While we wait for a bigger home with enough room...
they wait for room in our hearts.

While we wait for others approval...
they wait with any dignity they can find.

While we wait for the ideal child....
they wait knowing they are not.

While we wait trying to decide if we can manage another...
they wait trying to manage on their own.

While we wait to see how much we have to give to them...
They are waiting to give us even more.

While we wait for God to provide...
He waits for us to take the first step so He can.
We must NEVER use 'waiting to hear from Him' as an excuse for not doing what He has ALREADY commanded in the bible for us to do... proclaim the truth, care for orphans, serve others, be His hands of justice for the poor, and show compassion.
So, what are you waiting for??
I absolutely LOVE this post! Thank you for using your voice for those that can't use it for themselves!
Hugs and Love,
Just heard in our sermon over the weekend that sometimes, God doesn't speak first, he waits for us to put our feet in the water in faith that he will part it. He wants our obedience to what he desires, but we truly walk by faith!
I so wish I could attend that conference.
AMEN! Wishing I could come to be there with you too!
Love you Amy!
Jill! I am going to have to link you again Girl - good stuff! I want to go to T4A soooo bad. I have so many friends there. Praying for it!!!!!
Love this post! Just "waiting" to get all the dossier forms in from others so we can "wait" on a waitlist!! Uugh! Wish it would happen sooner. Then we could start preparing for the next one!
amy you always have such a way of relaying his word and what it means to truly follow the lord! once again endless thanks! i am crying because althoug there are few words the meaning is so much!
amy you always have such a way of relaying his word and what it means to truly follow the lord! once again endless thanks! i am crying because althoug there are few words the meaning is so much!
One of your best posts....EVER! I'm linking on facebook!
Love you!
Lisa H.
I'm linking on facebook too!
This post says what I try to explain to people all the time when they ask why we're adopting again (and this is only our 2nd).
May God continue to use you to move his people.
Thank you WE needed to read this tonight:) Love you sis:)
Beautiful. As always right from the heart. I wish adoption didn't cost so much. Yes, stepping out in faith, making cut backs and rearranging priorities are all called for...but sometimes, it just isn't enough and when I look at those pictures I want MORE. Please Lord. Send me! Use Me. Show me Lord!
Praying for more treasures and less wordly desires!
Just love this but It's sad to know that this really happens in life. It's life it happens i love to do whatever I can to help. It almost made me cried but I still enjoyed it;)
Wow. Possibly the most powerful blog post I have ever read in my life.
thank you so much for writing this and for being bold enough to share the real truth. I appreciate people that don't try to sugar-goat the harsh realities of these kids, and the pure selfishness of us Americans. So thank you.
AMEN GIRLFRIEND!!!! Shared it and shared it again! What a way with words :o)
I think visiting with you this morning was the highlight of my day! What a precious family you have. I'm thankful God chose to cross our paths! I've already forwarded your URL to several friends so you can expect even more adoption questions. :] You're a wealth of information!
Talk soon.
Beautiful post (I'm linking to it!) and CAN'T WAIT for t4a! I won't know anyone there, but many of you are going to be celebrities to me! :)
Often times God is the one who does the waiting for us to come around and follow His commands.
Powerful post Amy
Best!Post!Ever! One line summed it up... "We must NEVER use 'waiting to hear from Him' as an excuse for not doing what He has ALREADY commanded in the bible for us to do... proclaim the truth, care for orphans, serve others, be His hands of justice for the poor, and show compassion.
So, what are you waiting for??"
Thank you for speaking truth!
Amy, this post is amazing! Love how you said we must never wait to do the things God has already commanded us to do! So true!! We are so thankful to be moving forward in faith to bring our baby girl home!!!
Thank you for this. My hubby and I are in the process of becoming foster parents in hopes of adopting. I would LOVE to pursue adoption right now (actually yesterday)but my husband says he's not ready. He is all for fostering though. Probably has something to do with the money.
I have been feeling discouraged because I want to adopt so badly and it seems adopting through the foster care system is not an easy task. Our biological children are 8, 6, 4, and 2. We do not feel prepared to adopt an older child at this time because our children are still so young. Please pray that my husband becomes open to adoption.
this is the best thing I have read in a long time! AMEN!!! we certainly don't have the money but PRAISE GOD he has provided for us so far in this process!
LOVE this! Can I use it on my blog? Giving credit to you of course?
thank you for all your challenging posts- they have been an encouragement to me! You have a beautiful family.
Even as the mom of 8, soon to be 10 internationally adopted children your post stirred my heart to tears! I know that as "mature" adoptive parents, our season of adopting is at its end and my heart ACHES and BREAKS over
WHO WHO W H O will carry our mantle, who will carry the mantles of all the adoptive families who have also completed their ministry of bringing home children, WHO will pick up the mantle for the first or second....time. WHO will let their hearts be moved to pray and to act for the millions of children who do still wait. It is my deepest prayer that more families see the need, see their place in that need and actively pray and prayerfully act!!
Thanks for this powerfully expressed post Amy!!
mom to 15,
aching to say 17!!
I am so glad you posted this! I'm going to link it up on our blog because I feel it's so important for other people to be knocked outta their comfort zone and come to a point where they see what goes on outside of our little worlds. Thanks for posting and for being such an awesome mom and advocate for what many of our hearts are so passionate about.
Beautiful... this post has such honest impact! I love it! My husband and I have three little ones and we're adopting again from Ethiopia - twins this time! I love your blog!
Beneath the Acacia Tree
We're waiting no longer as of today. After yet another pregnancy announcement (we're infertile) I ranted to my husband about how we're dragging our feet with this adoption waiting around for money or whatever and he gave the go ahead to start the process with a cheaper agency. So yay!
Okay, so I made you famous :)
I posted your quote on my facebook and it has been reposted time and again. God's word is just soooo good and it truly sets us free from all the garbage of this world. I love this post... so much so that I had to read it again.
Hugs from Uganda sister!
Okay, so I made you famous :)
I posted your quote on my facebook and it has been reposted time and again. God's word is just soooo good and it truly sets us free from all the garbage of this world. I love this post... so much so that I had to read it again.
Hugs from Uganda sister!
Okay, so I made you famous :)
I posted your quote on my facebook and it has been reposted time and again. God's word is just soooo good and it truly sets us free from all the garbage of this world. I love this post... so much so that I had to read it again.
Hugs from Uganda sister!
Okay, so I made you famous :)
I posted your quote on my facebook and it has been reposted time and again. God's word is just soooo good and it truly sets us free from all the garbage of this world. I love this post... so much so that I had to read it again.
Hugs from Uganda sister!
I would say this has to be one of the most convicting and heart wrenching post I have ever read! Can not wait to be "paper pregnant"!!
You always know just how to say it so beautifully....great post! Wish I could go to the conference so much!
WOWZA! We are just waiting to be eligible again... This post hit home in my already-broken-for-the-orphan heart!
Wow, I hope you don't mind, but I'm copying this as a note to my FB with a link to your blog. My friends these days don't check out links, but they'll read a note... Thanks for sharing your heart and putting words to what so many of us feel!
Amy, you are such an inspiration. Thanks for this great post. I am linking this so others can be stirred as well. God bless!
Tonya is right, we all stole you quote and used it on our fb.
I am Andrea, I have 9 children also. 4 biological and 5 adopted.1from China, 1 from Russia, 3 from Ethiopia. We have been home with our last 3 for about seven months now, getting into the swing of things.
I just thought I would stop by to say hello. It is always great to find other radical people crazy about Gods nations, wanting to leave no orpahn, orphaned.
Blessing to you sister
I haven't been able to get this post out of my head...
This post is beautiful. I linked to it on my blog & posted it on facebook. Love, love, love it.
I don't think I've ever been to your blog before, but this post brings me to my knees. Hope it's ok to share it, because I already have. Be blessed!
I am sitting here *waiting* for our second foster placement (child number 6) to arrive...they said they would be here 6 hours ago with him. In that time, the doubts and fears of taking another child have crept in. But your post just reminded me why I said yes!!! Amazing! THANK YOU! Can't wait to officially meet you at the conference!!!!!
I have goosebumps reading this. I am so anxious to meet our little gal and I love that by sharing our experiences it brings more families closer to saying YES!!! Speaking the truth is so good.
Powerful post and message. Praying those who read it choose to obey God's commands.
You're on my blog here:
Thank-you from the bottom of my heart....
We will see you in TX ... What an inspiring post ... Never settle for doing NOTHING ... thanks for speaking up for those w/ no voice !!!
I love that you just lay it out there!!! I need to hear to it.... we all need to hear it!! Love you and love your blog!!!
awesome. against all odds, and all worldly wisdom, my husband and i are going to step out in faith and say 'yes' to God's call to adopt. thank you for reminding me that when God calls and we step out, He provides.
great post! We just completed adoption #1 and I'm ready to begin #2 asap.
Question: Where did you get all the cool tshirts in your family photo?
I love this post!!! Thank you so much for doing it!! I am wondering if you would let me recreate it into a slideshow to post on my blog and facebook, and on our organizations web page? I would of course give you credit. :)
Thank you so much!
Love this inspiring post!! Thank you! Convincing, convicting! Praying for people to have God's heart!
I LOVE This post!!! So great to respond to every excuse I've heard for not adopting.
This is beautifully put. Thank you.! and why I love visiting your blog.
I have no choice but to wait... but I wait humbly....
so wish I could attend the conference next month! It looks like it will be awesome!!
This is absolutely beautiful. I've stolen it too!
I did give you all the credit lol but definitely add me to the list of those who stole it! :)
I do have a question as well... can you email me at Thank you!
Wow, I have spent several days trying to come up with the words that I have wanted to say in a new post on my blog. You just took the words right out of my heart. I posted the link to this post on my blog...I couldn't say any better than you just did!
Hi! I have just stumbled upon your blog tonight and WOW has God used this post to speak to me... My husband and I have been praying about adopting our daughter from Ethiopia since March! The tremendous cost is what has been holding us back from beginning the journey we believe God has called us to! Why Wait, why not trust is what I believe He is saying to me! And he used you to confirm this to me tonight! God bless you and your amazing family!!! bobi bobbitt edenton, nc
You have addressed every single reason why my husband and I are waiting to adopt again... and now my heart is broken! What are waiting for?!?!! The Lord will provide all we need.
Thank you for this wake up call - I needed it!
Amy, I really enjoyed meeting you at the conference in Austin this weekend. Thank you for sharing! I am not too far away (in Waco) so maybe our kiddos can meet some day! Heather
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