God's words tells us that we are to have faith like children- because that is what we are- His children.
Remember when you were little you basically had to do what everyone told you to do?
Remember how you had to sleep when they said sleep, eat when they said eat, do what they told you to do-because you were learning what was best for you?
And remember feeling disgruntled because you were not the boss or not the one in control?
We are like that with God sometimes. He knows what is best- we do not. He understands the whole picture, and we can only see what is right in front of our faces. And, even when we go along with him kicking and screaming, and none of it makes sense in our little minds- we just have to trust.
That is where I am right now.
But just like when I was a child- the one in control meets my every need- even before I even realized I needed them.
This past week I was held, fed, carried, rocked, and loved on just like a child. Thank you to those of you who took care of our needs (Holly Wally, My Angel, My big sis Jenny, Mama Marsha, Mom, Andrea, Mrs.Michelle, Pastor Jay and Susan). When, like children, we are not able to do it on our own- we could sure feel God's arms wrapped around us through you.
I have spent a lot of time on my knees lately, and down there- you discover a lot of things- about yourself and about God. The things I learned about God are always good- the things I learned about me, well, I needed that help that God had sent. :)
I realized how often in life I had wasted so much precious time on the superficial things- things that do nothing for God's kingdom. We pour ourselves into our jobs, our homes, and work so hard at acting like we have it all together- when instead God just simply wants us to pour ourselves into Him, our relationship with Him, and with those He has put into our lives.
Today, as you move throughout your day- just simply look around you. What are you pouring yourself into? I challenge you to hug your husband just a little bit tighter, love on your kids just a little bit more, talk to your friends just a little bit longer. Simply LOVE through Him.
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
AMEN! Praying for you!
Love you,
I may not be able to physically wrap my arms around you, but know that I am in spirit.
I love you ~ Dardi
Aw, Amy...I'll add some extra hugs in my prayers for your sweet family. If we lived near to one another I'd have been a good 'neighbor' and friend to you. So grateful you do have that support when you need it, so glad you feel His arms and love through them. He is ever present!
Whatever your trial at the moment, CLING to your heavenly daddy and continue to embrace the arms around you that are open. :)
Thank you for your encouragement. It is true that the troubled times sure do bring us closer to Him. He's always there, though. Every single time. Never misses a beat.
Prayers and Hugs
You know God has really been working on my heart lately about that very thing.....think He is trying to send me a message? he he he- YEP I Got it God!
So sorry you are going through a hard time. I would love to pray more specifically for you, if you'd like to pop me an email. If not ... I will still be praying for y'all.
Beautiful post! Thanks for always sharing your thoughts so eloquently.
Laurel :)
love you - more than you know -praying for you!
From faith like a child to a challenge to LOVE more, Amy, your words make me think and appreciate and get just a little closer to who He wants me to be.
Hang in there.
Great post! I recently discovered this blog as I was looking for fellow adoptive family bloggers. Glad I found it!
You are precious in his sight and in my heart. Praying for you...
yes yes yes! i just want to be HIS vessel. I want to be filled to overflowing with His love so that He loves right through me to those around me. Bless you!!
love, love, LOVE this! As we get ready to foster/adopt I am going to remember this...
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