Thursday, September 16, 2010

All about Him

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can live on little and give much.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can adopt many and love more.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can care less about pleasing others and care much about pleasing Him.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can love without expecting to be loved back.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can open my home and my heart regardless of our differences.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can let go of my plans- knowing His are always better.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I care less about how my hair looks and care lots about how my heart looks.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can have peace during the unknowns- trusting He does know.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I worry less about the risk and more about just surrendering.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I allow myself to be vulnerable, knowing my experiences can help someone else.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can be content in my circumstances knowing He allowed them to be.

When it's all about Him and not about me- I can be assured success- regardless of the outcome.

He must become greater; I must become less. John 3:30

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Sha Zam- said...

Could you have this printed on Magnets and sell them.... I need to post that everywhere...

erica said...

So true, and simply beautiful. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I agree with the magnet idea....adoption fundraiser idea????

Jen said...


That is awesome. So true, so true!

See you at T4A!

Sophie said...

Amen! I love this Amy.
I know why I love the blog community so much, lately I feel alone in a sea of people that just don't get that our lives should be all about HIm. Another great post, as always!!

Intentional Living Homestead said...

I'm with Shannon...this NEEDS to be everywhere. If you don't mind, I would like to print that and put it on the side of my frig? This is beautiful....and necessary for my life.

"Are These Kids All Yours?" said...


And by the way love the picture in the last post - tooo funny, and yet I can completely relate to the sad feeling you get when you see that look.

Unknown said...


I already know the answer - so don't be surprised when I post this too!

I love you Amy Block!


Emma said...

Thank you so much for posting this. Your words always speak right to me. Hoping and praying I can be like this here in this community, one which needs Jesus.

Freedom Hollow Farmgirl said...

Your post really spoke to my heart. So very true. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart.


Mandie said...

Can I borrow this to post on my blog? I love it! Of course I will give credit to you.

Lyndsay said...

That was beautiful...thank you

Laurel said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing your heart!

I like the magnet idea (above).

:) :) :)

Jodi Widhalm said...

TERRIFIC! I have to share this one! Will give you all the kudos, of course. :) We are in the paper chase for an adoption in Sierra Leone. The new adoption law has just been passed and we will be charting the independent adoption waters for the first time....and likely bringing home a sibling group of four...making our total seven. You and other blogs like yours have been such an encouragement in our journey! Thank you, Thank you!

Renee said...


orphans4me said...

Beautiful post.
Joy McClain

Debbie Doughty said...

When it's all about Him your life is a blessing and an encouragement to others to do the same. Thank you Amy for letting Him use you to bless and inspire me.

Unknown said...

Great thoughts here--very challenging! Thanks for posting it!

Would you be willing to have me repost this on Let me know!

Susan said...

I love being blessed by reading your blog. You have a beautiful way of sharing what my heart is screaming. I keep getting pegged as "unjoyful". I am so thankful that you can so beautifully share what I so sloppily try to convey. I am moved and challenged by your blog daily. I keep going back to old post, as I just found your blog not long ago. Thank you.