Sunday, November 30, 2008

Why I've been Missing in Action

So where do I begin? I’ll start with apologizing that I have been MIA lately. Busy doesn’t even begin to describe it. I am so exhausted right now that the words aren’t even forming… so just bare with me (if anyone is even still reading my abandoned blog).
Eight days ago 4 of the fabulous five moved in. It’s a long story and once again on a public blog I cannot share all of the details but they are here and all in all doing well. We will find out this Friday if the baby will be joining our family too. She was in a separate foster home and her foster family filed an intervention to keep her. Now it is up to the CPS attorney and the foster family’s attorney to battle it out in court. Our hearts are broken, as is her siblings, but there is nothing we can do but wait and let the judge decide the fate of her future. Thankfully we know that we serve the ultimate judge and trust Him- even if the outcome is not as we had hoped. Please say a prayer for her, for the judge and for our family. While this is so hard because our hands are tied- there is no place we would rather she be than ‘in the hands of God’.
The last 8 days have been a series of highs and lows. We have seen progress, and yet some days have been really tough as expected. While it is one thing to say “it won’t be easy’ actually living it is a whole different story ;0) We are in essence joining 3 different families, (the 2 girls were in one foster home and the 2 boys in another) 3 different views on how to do things should be done- into one home. Some days this works and other days not so well. The older girls are also morning the loss of the foster family they loved dearly. The boys do not seem as affected by the change, or at least they are not as able to vocalize it. We also got hit with the flu, pink eye and even pneumonia in the mist of it all. Go figure.
We have such a long way to go- a lot of healing, a lot of teaching, a lot of learning, a lot to figure out- yet also a LOT to be thankful for. Most days I wish I could zip ahead to 6 months from now where everyone is feeling more secure, more adjusted and where we have this new routine and way of life figured out. But I know in doing so I would miss out on the miracle of each little hug, each little smile and each look of hope I see in their beautiful eyes. I wish I could share pictures- they truly are beautiful.
I’ll try to get on and share as much as I can when I can if I can find a moment to spare… or maybe I’ll just have to give up sleeping all together. :0)


Lisa said...

I can't believe a judge would even consider splitting up the children, especially when a family is ready to take all 5. Maybe it is your state, but in KY and WV, it is very common for adoptions to be prolonged because they are trying to get someone to take all of a set of children. I will continue praying for your family and that God will bring all your fabulous five home soon.

Jman's momma said...

Oh Amy! Praying strength and rest and endurance and patience and grace and mercy and on and on for the entire household. Praise God for the faithful obedience of your family.

Reading how you bring together your faith in God's perfect plan and your own hopes and desires is great inspiration.


Angela :-) said...

I will pray that the decision will be made to keep all the kids together. Having prior experience with the foster care system, I'm fully aware of why the foster family would want to keep her, and of the fact that sometimes sibs are split. However, I firmly believe they should be kept together if at all possible. If they wanted her so badly, why weren't they applying to adopt all of them?!

In the meantime, I will also say some prayers for the rest of you. I know what you are going through.

Angela :-)

Flamingo said...

I'm still reading;) I am so sorry to hear about this potential change of plans. I appreciate your honesty. It is a huge encouragment to me!

I will lift you and these children up in prayer!

Kathleen said...

Amy, I have followed your blog since the late summer and I have been waiting for your fabulous five to come home to their forever home. I too have adopted two children from the foster care system and it was not an easy road. We felt as you do that keeping the sibling group together was very important. My prayers are with your family and this sweet baby girl and I am grateful that you took the time to let us know how to pray for you. Make sure you rest when you can and enjoy your new beautiful children. It will all come together in His timing. Bless you. Kathleen

Amy Clemons said...

Great to have you back. Wow, you're going through so much right now. We'll keep you in our prayers.

Michelle Riggs said...

Thanks for the update. I am so glad that 4 of the kids are home.

Praying for you all, especially the baby.

I wish that I lived closer.

Michelle Riggs said...

Thanks for the update. I am so glad that 4 of the kids are home.

Praying for you all, especially the baby.

I wish that I lived closer.

Recovering Noah said...

Amy I have been praying so hard about the baby. I am on pins and needles until Friday. I know God has a purpose and a plan for little Isabella, but I have to admit that I sure do hope it's with you!

Good luck with Jayla starting school today. Let us know how it goes. On second thought, if you have a free moment to yourself, don't bother emailing. Sit down, relax, and do what I always do.... grab that secret stash of chocolate! :-)

Thinking of you!

Instantly Mama said...

I remember that feeling well. There were so many times in that first 3 months after we adopted Lillian and Micah that I thought "well, I knew it would be hard - but that isn't making it any easier!" You will get there. It always helped me to try to find some tiny bit of progress that we had made that day - even if it was just that everyone made it out of their pjs and into halfway-decent clothing! :)


Instantly Mama said...

I remember that feeling well. There were so many times in that first 3 months after we adopted Lillian and Micah that I thought "well, I knew it would be hard - but that isn't making it any easier!" You will get there. It always helped me to try to find some tiny bit of progress that we had made that day - even if it was just that everyone made it out of their pjs and into halfway-decent clothing! :)


Mary Ann said...

Praise God for 4 of them being home! I will be praying that God's perfect plan will be done for the baby. But I will pray that God will not separate her from her brothers and sisters!

Melinda said...

I am so sorry to hear about the baby, but God is in control and we all know the best place for her is with her siblings and a mom and dad willing to parent all the kids together. I will be praying. I am happy to hear the other four are home and you are all getting to know each other and learning how to do a new way of life. I will continue to pray for all of your adjustment to each other. I am thankful you are willing to share this journey with us all.

Angela said...


I will be lifting you up and the plans that God has for this baby girl.

You said it so perfectly(as always) that thankfully we serve the Ultimate Judge. Thanks for sharing with us what you can--


Dawn said...

Praying for all your needs right now.

Sara said...

I am glad 4 of them are home...I knew it was happening soon. Sorry to hear about the baby, but praying the judge sees what is best for all of the kids.

Although I can't speak from experience of adjustment of 4 kids at once (just one for me), my heart goes out to you. At least you have the knowledge and experience to know each day will get a little easier and to focus on the small improvements.

Hope you can catch some zzzs and lifting you and your family up in prayer.

Audrey said...

Praying for your family, Amy. God's strength and provision for all of you and wisdom for the judge - it is hard to believe that they would split the kids up. Blessings to you!!

Amy said...

Will be praying for your family and the decision to be made on Friday. Thank you for sharing with us.

Hang in there, the Lord has brought these children to be a part of your family. I pray that He will give you the strength, especially during this period of adjustment and that He will allow you periods of rest.

"The Lord gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." Isaiah 40:29

Live to love and laugh said...

Oh my dear friend. I can only imagine the pain you are experiencing then to have family illness on top of it. My favorite line in a problem like this is "God DOES have a sense of humor and some day soon I hope to laugh about this right along with him."
I am praying for all of you. Please try and get some rest. A worn out mommy is not good for anyone.

Unknown said...

praying, Amy...

darci said...

oh wow, praying HARD here..praying for sweet baby to come home to you soon. praying for God's strength for you right now. and

Elizabeth said...

Oh!! How exciting!! I'm so glad they made it in time for Thanksgiving. Will be praying for a smooth transition and for God to reveal His mercies in regards to baby sister and where He wants her. Sending LOTS of hugs and loves to you!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that I am praying for you and you entire family! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to read that the older 4 are home and I'm praying very hard that baby sister gets to join the siblings. Of course it's best for the kids to stay together, and I pray the judge realizes this (although I do pray for the family that would be loosing her too...such a difficult thing either way). I am loving your blog and LOVE the bedrooms. You have motivated me to redo the kids' rooms which is something I have been dreading. :)